I like reading. Nuff said.
Membaca buku-buku
your dad
better than being a teenage npc repeating buzzwords
No. Dissection is a natural part of life.
type more, tough guy
Yeah, cutting up cadavers in med school is mandatory. You have to use scissors, scalpels, blunt probes, saws, hammers, chisels, and a lot of “blunt dissection” where you use your fingers to dig through layers of fat and fascia. Urine will leak out of the kidneys and bladder when you dissect them, feces will leak (or explode) out of the colon when you dissect it, clumps of hard coagulated blood will fall out of the heart and large vessels as you open them up, and this smelly mixture of formaldehyde and emulsified fat will soak your scrubs, lab coat, and even make your hands stink despite wearing multiple pairs of gloves. That's the nature of cutting up dead bodies, if anyone wanted to know the grisly details.
Reach Heaven Through Violence
sit still for half a year broski
avg Chinese wuxia novel template
they use cheaper method
I live in 612 Wharf Avenue, right near the gentlemen's club. Do with that information what you will, Truck-Sama;).