Membaca buku-buku
here me out, it's Sasha after reincarnation, but she can only feel affection to him because of the vow she took, causing an obsession instantly
this exposition serves no purpose unless Sasha or a look alike is in the school or she becomes a prominent character soon
I am sorry to say, but the description for your book is somehow long winded even for xinxia
I was thinking of Kana from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
for the MC to be "experienced" with living in the wild, the author sure seems unaware of the big NO'S in survival. not even an ounce of research or pretending just stupid stuff
this is both funny and insulting
that was epic
the other elf princess will notice something is wrong when she games +1 in all basic stats
this is the kinda guy I would both avoid and hangout with
just saying "split" would have been more Chad of him