If no harem has 1000 fans, I am one of them. If no harem has only one fan, that is me. If no harem has no fans, I am not alive. If the world is against no harem, I am against the world.
Membaca buku-buku
Did you just disrespect the king?
U mean the 1 dimensional yandere
I don’t have to be a cook to know if food tastes like doodoo
1/10 ragebait
It was mina
Think a little harder
The story moves to quick. First against thugs then immediately to the Sinister Six to then teaming up with other spiders against the lizard and then fighting task master, silver sable, and sabretooth. After that they fight the marauders and so on. There’s too much too quick with no downtime between things. Human interactions are decent, but because of this constant moving of fights I feel that they diminish the social and emotional aspect. Not to mention his mother is just non-existent.