


Author, Former 2D Artist, Former Head of QA Department, Former Story Writer, Former Quest Designer and just generally someone that loves exploring things as long as I can take my time with it.

2020-10-19 BergabungGlobal



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  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Eugene_Piotter

    Which expansion is this?

    A lot of hybrid professions, especially in early stages, have vague distributions and benefit from dual attribute enhancements. This suits early-stage hybrid roles the best.
    MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter
    Game · Counterattack Mario
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Frishizen

    Oh, I shouldn't tell you but you should tell me? Ah, the hypocrisy at play.

    Colin woke up.
    The First Vampire
    Fantasi · Carrot On Weighing Scale
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Frishizen

    A story isn't a thesis, you are right. A story is harder to write well than a thesis because your thesis has firm parameters you can set, firm rules you can follow and produce a quality product. Stories are subjective and yet you have to find out what it takes to 1: immerse people into the story so they follow along and fully understand what you are trying to portray, including setting new frameworks that might be different from the real world but require you to successfully guide the reader to accept it rather than make it jarring which might then break the immersion and make people completely disregard anything you have to say 2: come up with a story that as many people as possible are actually interested in 3: understand human psychology to an extreme level to manipulate the mental states of your readers to help portray the feelings that your story is trying to evoke 4: have lots of experience and create MUCH more content than a mere thesis because a thesis is NOT twelve thousand pages with people willing to pay 20 cents per page 5: be good enough to know when it's right to break the "rules" that aren't actually rules but training wheels for aspiring authors as the peak performance can't be fully portrayed with any set of firm rules other than "be interesting, informative or experimental". Thinking a thesis has any comparison to the amount of work that goes into a well written story, have you ever written a thesis? They are easy to write as they are super formulaic whilst stories are so much work, get less recognition, less pay and still have a lot of garbage people trying to just deliver easy to make garbage for a quick buck. It's the author's JOB to pull us into the story and make us believe it. If they fail to do that, their WORK is not at a good level and they need to work harder on it and yet everyone has subjective criteria so it's almost impossible to create a good enough story unless you dedicate your life to it. It really does not feel like someone dedicated their life to this novel. I mark where I feel it's lacking and point out the problems that the author or someone else can look at it, come up with their own thoughts and then move on. If you think your comparison is going to put me in my place because you want all readers to be submissive little masochists that take the humiliation that is being forced to read through badly written lines with a perverted grin like some extremely depraved person, I've got bad news for you. You really need to expect more from the content you consume.

    Colin woke up.
    The First Vampire
    Fantasi · Carrot On Weighing Scale
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Eugene_Piotter

    Well, if you do bear and cat interchangeably, you use attack power over strength and agility as agility gave cat attack power whilst strength gave bear. The only problem is that cat is heavily reliant on critting for extra combo points so your overall dps drops from changing to pure attack power over agility but oh well

    A lot of hybrid professions, especially in early stages, have vague distributions and benefit from dual attribute enhancements. This suits early-stage hybrid roles the best.
    MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter
    Game · Counterattack Mario
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Anthony_Manfield

    The trial system with energy had 60 free, then they changed it to 40, now it's no longer called trial but rather preview and each novel seems to have their own choice of cut-off

    What's wrong with this lawyer?!
    perkotaan · Sword Immortal of Wine
  • Filler1_Name2

    You sold yourself off and counted the buyer's money before handing it back, essentially selling yourself for free and you don't even see it. You're even dragging others down with you...

    In the shadows of the Blood Eagle Corridor, Murphy was surprised at how simple negotiations with the Cape Family had been. Major Fraser's conditions were indeed harsh, but if they could exchange for the basic industrial production lines that their territory desperately needed, Murphy was more than willing to give up even more.
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    For a disciple? For family? For a person he will sacrifice to form a nutritional pill? For study? Because it's pretty? Definitely not anything you can ask about!

    Hasn't Emperor Song already stepped into the Seventh Realm, why would he bother to retrieve this item?
    Become a Saint through Studying! Exposed by my little junior sister!
    Fantasi Timur · My cow ran away
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas AaronchifV2

    It's possible he had 7th realm underlings as a 7th realm himself.

    Not only is Emperor Song a mighty figure of the eighth domain, but he also has four formidable divine demons worthy of the seventh domain under his command.
    Become a Saint through Studying! Exposed by my little junior sister!
    Fantasi Timur · My cow ran away
  • Filler1_Name2

    As someone that has experienced the mindset of the older generation that is so focused on the male heir, I can tell you they also care about their family members getting cucked. Not to mention, drugging?! Thats a huge problem! As well as the daughter not just working to seduce the MC but also leaving hints for the mother and flirting with the MC in the open, it's absolutely NOT okay and she'd risk being immediately married off to get her out of the way if she is that much trouble whilst MC would immediately be fired and they might even make his entire family suffer! All of this have reasonable ways where it can be done but this story didn't do it like that. It's mindless horny writing for mindless horny readers. Chance of nutter's regret? 70 percent!

    Seducing my boss's stunning wife
    perkotaan · Please beg to let me get popular
  • Filler1_Name2

    MC has zero ability to control himself and is completely ruled by his d*ck and the author seems to have given him a gf just to make him a cheater. It's so messed up. It's just porn with no interesting story elements.

    Gorgeous Lady Boss
    perkotaan · South Mountain Overachiever King
  • Filler1_Name2

    Ew. Just ew.

    "Rather than devouring boring sheep, my son prefers to conquer his own lioness. I promise you won't be bored with Miss Biqi, son. I just hope you've prepared your taming whip."
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    This is all so dumb. This sauce hasn't just been double dipped, but quadruple dipped! ALL THE GERMS IN THERE! I swear, if there is stable economic flow with no corruption, this is beyond might and magic levels of fantasy and straight to conceptual twists levels of absurdness!

    "But the factory I want needs to be up and running in a month and a half! Neither of us has time to waste, Major. You and I both know that. You have to be alive to spend your earnings!"
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    No. Absolutely not. That is the ruin of your infrastructure. Your economy will crumble. Corruption will be rampant.

    "I am of course not naive enough to believe that you would donate without compensation. How could capitalists be so kind-hearted? I'm prepared to allow the Cape Family to establish any factory derived from those production lines in any region of Transylvania.
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    Nothing. Talk to your government for compensation, not Transylvania. Dafuq? Is he really this dense? Also, this should not be murphy contacting him!!!!! This is HIGHLY unprofessional!

    "I always keep away from the family's business endeavors. Perhaps I can be of assistance, but first, I would like to know, what is Transylvania willing to give up in order to retrieve those war trophies that already have new owners?
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    No, inaccurate use of "literal"

    If you familiarize yourself with Major Fraser's schedule at the age of eight, you would understand that his pressure was literal.
    My Players Are So Fierce
    Game · Handsome dog Frank
  • Filler1_Name2

    No adult content warning? Dafuq?! Also, the entire thing is a bit too extreme in scenarios for me. This isn't about the erotic stuff, but the story development.

    Sexy Seduction
    perkotaan · River Popping
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas Frishizen

    It's the author's job to to convince the reader, not yours.

    Colin woke up.
    The First Vampire
    Fantasi · Carrot On Weighing Scale
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas ViciousxGiggles3

    I stopped reading this novel when it kept stealing from World of Warcraft and the things that happened just became too absurd and weirdly forced. I get that you can make easter eggs for other things but you also need to keep in mind that almost every chinese game based novel has names from World of Warcraft in it, causing readers to notice more and that takes away feom the immersion, not making me able to think of this game as a real game. I'm a former game developer myself so it's also very jarring to me when games are clearly balanced wrong and yet the author claims that those games even have a vibrant real money market, let alone the decent playerbase needed to keep the game going. If you tell me there is a dragon, I can believe that. If you tell me that dragon is killing other people in a game super easily and selling things back to those players through deliberately having those items stolen from him by a partner of gis without anybody else intercepting it and people can just log off inside said dragon's lair, waiting to rob the dragon blind when said dragon logs off, I call BS and my immersion is ruined because that's clearly not a market ready game format. If instead this was a real world that people can log into as if a game, advertised as a game on the player side whilst MC has transmigrated in to control a boss character that is an actual living creature taking the place of a world boss, I can accept that because it's a real world and not a market ready video game.

    Seeing the Black Dragon's unconcerned expression, the Princess grew even angrier, "You've imprisoned me here for three months already; what exactly do you want from me? My father has fallen seriously ill; I must return to the kingdom! Hey, are you listening? Don't you dare fall asleep when I'm talking to you!" In her anger, she rushed over and began to punch and kick the Black Dragon's forepaw, but sadly, for a dragon with over a thousand in armor, it was hardly a tickle.
    Part-time Boss
    Game · Treasured Moonlight
  • Filler1_Name2
    Balas ViciousxGiggles3

    Also, the hitting making someone stand up is a player thing, not npc thing and he IS a player.

    Seeing the Black Dragon's unconcerned expression, the Princess grew even angrier, "You've imprisoned me here for three months already; what exactly do you want from me? My father has fallen seriously ill; I must return to the kingdom! Hey, are you listening? Don't you dare fall asleep when I'm talking to you!" In her anger, she rushed over and began to punch and kick the Black Dragon's forepaw, but sadly, for a dragon with over a thousand in armor, it was hardly a tickle.
    Part-time Boss
    Game · Treasured Moonlight
  • Filler1_Name2

    but it repeatedly rips off world of warcraft so this is world of warcraft no matter what you say because lazy author be crazy lazy

    Seeing the Black Dragon's unconcerned expression, the Princess grew even angrier, "You've imprisoned me here for three months already; what exactly do you want from me? My father has fallen seriously ill; I must return to the kingdom! Hey, are you listening? Don't you dare fall asleep when I'm talking to you!" In her anger, she rushed over and began to punch and kick the Black Dragon's forepaw, but sadly, for a dragon with over a thousand in armor, it was hardly a tickle.
    Part-time Boss
    Game · Treasured Moonlight