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i also cant recall who angels lol....reading so many novels makes it confusing
Wish he could come back or if they reunite in much tragedy for kevin with too little time to enjoy life....even in academy 99% time he was fighting and training
atleast more people didnt die....But i feel the story ended abruptly....what they actually did in the penultimate chapter was not they got rid of the crystal.....Epilogue was awesome but the only part i didnt understand was what happened with that warm wind......idk if kevin alive or not....maybe he became a god and oversees them....maybe he is a spirit/soul who oversees them but why did genesis react then? also what's with excia? why she was finding kevin for 5 yrs? why kevin said excia is most mysterious one? so many questions unanswered..... I thought this novel would go beyond this world beyond the goddess of this world and gods of other worlds like dragons etc as there was mention of god council. I felt these things could be more developed Still the ending few chapters were good. Only thing I complain is that too much tragedy but without it the story would be incomplete.....Thanks for writing this story
you dropped heaven smiting god emperor which i liked so much and truly speaking better than this question is evolver harem?
I am never ever going to read your second novel again. The only reason I continue with this is I have already invested so much time in such a good story. But we read novels to enjoy ourselves not read tragedy after tragedy....firstly abandoned by parents, tortured by caretaker, tortured by poison, tortured by assassin training, betrayed by everyone, death of selen and excafol,death of anriette,guilt of killing lanuvel's father, death of farner,death of his mother and now death of knor....what's next death of lanuvel her mother and her children? death of all heroes? I may have also missed so many other tortures and deaths but let's leave it at that. I guess I was wrong to read this kind of novel.....So never I am going to read your novels. You are a good writer and your story is also good but it aint my cup of tea. Just waiting for this to finish. Not gonna comment ever on this novel. This was my last rant. By your loyal reader
it's happening, as i predicted everyone will die......
i just fear one day when he sits on the throne above all he will be kids no lovers, no friends.....all dead along the way while fighting with the enemies....
fk the scene bet qin tian and wuxin skipped......
author is just teasing everyone here.....we all know he isnt blood related here to any1....i mean in future it will be revealed that they arent blood related