

2020-10-14 BergabungUnited States



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  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas anas_almansour

    its dame!

    "I have no idea what he is thinking," the hooded man said. "But the fact that you are here means you want me to make my move soon, correct?"
    Dark Magus Returns
    Fantasi · JKSManga
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas Bogdan7

    not even that I'd you add the time line of events the dudes in his 100s

    [May 19, 2022, Calvin Booker died at the age of 88 as a virgin.]
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    time live does not add up, he was way older than 88. he was 48 when he got out 69 when he got the monkey the monkey kicked the bucket due to age so add 10 to 20 years adopted a kid after 5 the kids married and had a kid after another 10 to 15 then he died around when the kid was maybe 5 to 10. dudes in his 100s

    [May 19, 2022, Calvin Booker died at the age of 88 as a virgin.]
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    so did the dude live to 100? he was 69 when he got the pub 74 when he got ceaser, probably 90 when the chimp died of old age,95 when he got Ellie 105 when she got married 110 when he kicked the bucket. timeline not adding up here. dudes like old chuck Norris

    Meanwhile, Calvin finally felt his last breath but before closing his eyes and sleeping forever, he held Ellie's hand like Caesar did to him and muttered, "Thank you." Before long Calvin's hand slipped through hers and the sound of a long Beep was heard through the room, intensifying their cries.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    why would he adopt a 10 year old as a elderly on his last leg. dude would be dead before there 18

    So he adopted his 10-year-old daughter Ellie, who at first was afraid of him but she slowly opened up to him.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas Soal_San

    or in his 90s chimps can live a good amount of time.

    It's been 5 years since Caesar's death, and now he's back to managing the Pub alone, while he's alone movies are the only thing that kept him entertained.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas misterbro

    that's after years of training

    He held Calvin's hand and slowly muttered, "Thank you." Before Caesar's hand slowly dropped out of Calvin's hand along with a long Beep sound that comes out of the electric Vital Sign Monitor.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    so is the mc by this time like 90?

    Calvin continued his life till his companion's death, Caesar.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas TartarOsa

    government would, Even then you had to have a license to have exotic animals. this was standard after WW2 to stop people bringing animals as pets that could potentially cause issues if it escapes or was abandoned. less of a issue for people more for environment. like hogs for example brought over for hunting then found out they had no natural predators and destroy tons of farms, animals, etc. look for example Thailand's monkey problem they attach people in groups even though there hunted.

    He's a very intelligent Chimpanzee which he names Caesar, he found him by chance in a forest when he is hiking, and Caesar was shot by a hunting rifle, so he brought him home and took care of him.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas John_Gordon

    we'll his name, booker would be a name found in England or the US, maybe Canada. and chimps are found in Africa, deep asia, maybe South America jungle.

    He's a very intelligent Chimpanzee which he names Caesar, he found him by chance in a forest when he is hiking, and Caesar was shot by a hunting rifle, so he brought him home and took care of him.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    so did the mc shoot the chimp to claim him as a pet? chances of being alive after getting hit with a .308 is slim on a small animal. a chest hit will tear out most of the back. btw a .308 is a very common round for hunting. unless the author men's a varmit rifle used for small game. chances the mc stubbled on a chimp dying from a rifle shot and save it from blood loss it's like winning the lottery and being hit with a meteor .

    He's a very intelligent Chimpanzee which he names Caesar, he found him by chance in a forest when he is hiking, and Caesar was shot by a hunting rifle, so he brought him home and took care of him.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas Soal_San

    ya this dudes almost 70 venturing in wild Africa or deep asia to run into a chimp. a dog, cat, wolf pup sure. a chimp seems very random with a elderly

    During another 20 years spent managing his Pub, he found himself a companion through his journey.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    a chimp? he's got a English name so unless he found it in Africa or asia no country would let you take a chimp home unless you have a special license. going to have to say I just started reading this and the beginning is poorly written like it's a middle schooler story. I would suggest you rewrite parts of the story. nothing wrong with editing a story later to flow better.

    He's a very intelligent Chimpanzee which he names Caesar, he found him by chance in a forest when he is hiking, and Caesar was shot by a hunting rifle, so he brought him home and took care of him.
    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    it can happen, I known vets that would save someone if it came too it if you found you had superpowers you might. depends on the person, but it has happened in real life people saving strangers

    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas GotaDeAgua

    solo leveling is Korean dude

    Superman in Solo Leveling [Completed]
    Komik · SlimeSage
  • BlueBawlz98

    military uses pigs that get shot by there medics to train there medics on how to handle wounded after being shot. it's bloody and gross but effective

    Celine wanted her battle to end, but the Tainted snake simply wouldn't die. She kicked the creature three more times, but she was barely trying to muster her mana at that point. Whimpers and soft pleads even left her mouth as she begged the beast to stop breathing.
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasi · Eveofchaos
  • BlueBawlz98

    is got to be the roots of the plant itself. I'm calling it

    Ch 142 Hesitation
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasi · Eveofchaos
  • BlueBawlz98

    I'm guessing it's the flowers, the hole sizes vary to the point of being too small but the flowers are not touched. roots gonna get them

    "[We should be safe on the surface]," Asyat eventually stated. "[This species didn't eat the flowers, which probably means that it's using them. I can't guess anything more than this]."
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasi · Eveofchaos
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas Roinuji

    wouldn't say betraying, just not following orders. human or not the ga thinking of using this event and thinking it would work without thinking the natives would eventually learn of there tech and would know they had a means and knew the ga was aware of what was going to happen. he a kredissue all over again

    Ch 120 Promise
    Chaos' Heir
    Fantasi · Eveofchaos
  • BlueBawlz98
    Balas ThatDoggoBartender

    dnd one bud

    "By chance are you familiar with the name Tiamat?"
    In the World of Sword and Magic as Space Marine
    Derivasi dari game · ElJonson