Membaca buku-buku
Off to a great start. The worldbuilding is very interesting. I like the mutating creatures and I'm curious to see what happened to AX-10. I was a little confused at first who the MC was because of the abundance of characters, but the moment ML showed up it became very obvious. The action sequence was fun and I just hope the smut will live up to the hype. I leave a plate of cookies for author. Good job.
I'll be like Assu and just spam a gif of support
I feel like you have a tendency to over-describe some things (I do that a lot too tbh). But I thought this last two lines were a good example, because it sometimes bogs down the flow of your writing. You used around 2 sentences to say her frame is strong, or not meek/not frail. Is this detail that important to emphasis with so many words? I feel like it could be done effectively with a single word. I would dedicate two sentences to describe more important details.
SLICKED!! I can't with this word!!! You know this phenomenon when something has been pointed out to you and you suddenly see it EVERYWHERE? O_O This word...Not just in your works but just in general... I can't...
Lol, I'm glad you enjoyed the play I wrote XD It was really fun, I like rhyming so much. ;3 And he's not exactly allergic to wine, alcohol is a poison so a regenerating body won't let poison effect him XD I went a little sciencey with it ^^"