Membaca buku-buku
what kind of village is this for it to have a random academy in the middle of it? the chineese kind, with 10 million stable population?
nani da fak
reborn... once again?
? Are we reading the same novel? He throws specialized darts with the help of his 'weapon' to fight his enemies.
Must've been hard growing up as a kid without concepts such as love, dedication or determination.
Im not really sure about this. Other commenters say its realistic, but if you ask me without going out to see the damage and destruction only the thought of countless death people wouldnt hit you as much as its described here. Think of all the death and poverty in Africa. Many die and starve there, but I dont really see people take to the streets crying and vomiting of the shock. Without actually seeing it and living in it I dont think anyone would just start vomiting at the thought of a cataclysm.
A very talented athlete doesnt need to have an astrophysics degree to be good at basketball. When your future is predetermined for you and you are supposed to become an athlete then there is no reason to give unneccesary knowledge that you wont use in your career. Harsh and distopic but makes sense.
its like you are reading a different novel lol