


I’m a 31 year old lady who adores dinosaurs and many movies alike. I am on Wattpad with many books that I have created and I hope to share them on here with you all.

2020-08-14 BergabungUnited States





Membaca buku-buku

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas Thiago_Gomes_8808

    Thank you 🥺💕

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas El_Diablo

    Thank you 🥺💕

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas Thiago_Gomes_8808

    Thank you for the donation 🥺🙏 It was the least I could do!

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago

    I have been trying to post the new chapter on here and it won’t let me oof! I will keep trying! If need be I might have to delete my update 2. If you want to read the new chapter then you can read it on my Wattpad! ^^ It is on there now! Thank you for donating 🥺💕

    Bab ini telah dihapus.
  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas Thiago_Gomes_8808

    ;~; Thank you so much for doing that! I will be posting the next chapter now! I hope you like it!

    Bab ini telah dihapus.
  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago

    I am doing a stream on my YouTube channel in a bit! I will be reading Dawn Of A New Age, chapters 6-15 or 20. Then afterwards I will be reading Ebony Scales, chapters 1-5 in another stream! Interested please stop by if you wish to, and if you wish to help by donating to my PayPal then only spare money if you can! 💕 I need a little bit of help sadly and due to how hard this year has been, I sadly can’t write as much as I use to. ;~; So if you donate that will help me so very much! It really would! I’m probably going to do a donate goal of a 100. If I reach it I will quickly post the next chapter to Ebony Scales! If I go over the goal I will cry! ;~; That and I will post another chapter or two depending upon how much the goal goes over! I hope you guys understand and I hate asking for help. But it’s that bad now. It’s so bad, I barely have enough to eat and stuff cause of how intense bills are. ;~; And my health is getting a bit worse. Thank you for reading my books! ;~; 💕 You guys are incredible and I appreciate every single one of you! Thank you for allowing me to share my books with you. Really! <3 I hope to see you guys there in the stream!

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas ThatAGurlBlue

    (Update two) I hope you all are doing well and are safe during these times. I just wanted to post another update on things. The start of the new year has been tough on me to the point that I can’t write as much as I like to. This is cause my health has been really hard on me, and countless bills aren’t helping. If however I do update a story, it will be on Wattpad first. So if you want any news on things or updates then please follow me on Wattpad. I of course apologize for not updating in so long ;~; I have even posted on Wattpad that I will be doing a stream on Ebony Scales sometime later this week, so please check in on my YouTube channel! I would love to see you guys there so we can chat! ^^ If my YouTube channel gets to 100 subscribers I will even post the next chapter quickly tomorrow after the stream! If you ever want to help me out, you can donate to my PayPal. It would be greatly appreciated! <3 I am ashamed to ask for help but I really need a little bit. ;~; so anything that you can offer, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ThatAGurlBlue

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago

    (Update!) For those reading Ebony Scales, I want to let you know that I am slowly feeling better. I have even posted a new video on my YouTube Channel just recently where I read my books out loud to you all. ^^ In the video I read the first five chapters of Dawn Of A New Age. I will even read Ebony Scales out loud on there to at some point! If you would like that, could you all let me know? 🙏 If you would like that, then please subscribe to my channel, ThatAGurlBlue Official! 💕 Every like and sub is greatly appreciated and I want to interact with you all! 🥺 By subscribing to my YouTube let’s me know that you support my books! I might even let you all in on the new chapter before it is to be posted! Thank you and I hope you all are safe and well!

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas Thiago_Gomes_8808

    Thank you for your patience and kind words! If you haven’t seen my recent post on Wattpad, I have the virus. I figured on letting you guys know. 💕

  • ThatAGurlBlue
    ThatAGurlBlue3 years ago
    Balas Sovereign_of_all

    Thank you all for your kind words and patience 🥺💕 I am hanging in there and I hope you all are doing great this year! I have a PayPal but I would never ask you guys to do or send anything. It really helps to know you guys like my stories and really that is all I can ask for 💕. If by chance you want to help or send anything, you don’t have to send much. I understand how hard things are right now. I’m stressing a bit and I absolutely hate to ask for help. I appreciate everyone of you. I thank you for reading my stories.

Ebony Scales

"This is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the earth. We call it the Indoraptor.", spoke the man known as Gunnar Eversol who was trying to sell the first Indoraptor in a auction. There plans were however foiled. The Lockwood Manor was then overrun by the Indoraptor who had escaped and was relentlessly killing everything that he could get his claws on. A fight soon broke out between the Indoraptor and a velociraptor known as Blue. Owen, Claire, and Maisie were in the fight of their lives, but in the end Blue knocked the Indoraptor into the manor where the Indoraptor was then impaled by a triceratops skull. Dr.Wu was taken away and many others fled while the dinosaurs ran freely into the world of humans. Sometime later, Dr.Wu decided to make another Indoraptor for reasons concerning money. Though, he couldn't get the DNA to make the Indoraptor controllable he decided to change the code. Instead of making another male Indoraptor, he made a female with greater differences than the first. As Dr.Wu works on his money situation, his very creation is watching him from the shadows. One of her caretakers from when she was young had named the Indoraptor 'Sable', for her colors were almost pitch black but that changed once she grew. Sable soon escaped her confinement and not wanting to risk the same thing happening again like the first did Dr.Wu decide to tranquilize her. Sable was then placed into a heavy facility where she will be monitored 24/7.

ThatAGurlBlue · Film
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


For as long as she can remember since her childhood, Colette was tormented by a illness that dares to take away her family away from her. One by one she watched this illness claim the lives of those, who she holds dear. Since she was little she could do nothing but watch her family die, before her very eyes. The doctors who tried to help, had little to no knowledge of how to stop this new illness. This illness had all but took everything away from her, until it stops mysteriously leaving only her and her mother. During that time that it had stopped, Colette feeling motivated as she grew up, decides to embark on becoming a doctor. A better doctor or so she hoped, so that no one could go through the same thing she had went through. However, during her classes her mother falls ill. Fearing that the illness has come yet again to take her mother away from her, Colette rushes to aid her mother. However, when she gets there she sees her mother being put into a mysterious vehicle by people she does not know. Running to stop them, she suffers a sharp blow to the back of her head thus it knocks her out cold. Waking up a few hours later, she is greatly alarmed by the fact that she was in a unknown cell wearing a solid orange outfit. Not knowing where she is, she begins to panic. For her mother was still on her mind. Not knowing anything at all, Colette and her mother were placed in a facility that holds SCPs. Colette was soon escorted out of her cell by men in armor for it was time for her test, she followed them silently for she feared them due to them holding guns. Passing by a strange cell, a voice called out to her which greatly surprised her escorts. Looking over to the owner of the voice, she saw what looks like a man in all black who was wearing a white mask. He calls her over to him yet again, and her escorts allowed her to go over. Unaware to her, this man was known as "The Plague Doctor" or SCP-049.

ThatAGurlBlue · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs