If you think about it our reality is moulded by the way we see the world and is, hence, imperfect. As a result, our reality is merely an illusion... yeah.
Membaca buku-buku
K, makes sense
Maybe he put the bullet in backwards, though I have no clue how that got outta the barrel if that's the case
Heavy marble: Exists Apollo: *Batman theme intensifies* Heavy marble: *Robin theme intensifies*
Missed opportunity for a JoJo reference here... this scene has the same vibe as "Korega, requiem da."
Also, Apollo is basically Deadpool, not that that's a problem. Actually, I love the way he acts, both of them.
This book is dangerous... as in I almost laughed out loud when I'm supposed to be studying. Only read the prologue so far but this is good shit.
Any feedback is good feedback to me... unless it's something like "This shit sucks." In that case, I'll probably ask for a 5 mark answer on why the story sucks. Yeah, all I'm saying is thanks for the feedback.
Good start... hope you don't mind me leaving edit comments behind... I'll be doing a second reading to see if I missed anything later
it's quit not quited