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I'll assume you're under pressure at school and that's why there's no chapter today, good luck.
Chinese authors trying not to glaze Chinese food
Hmm this seems oddly specific, do you have another novel in mind?
Man, if you're going to use GPT chat to write the story for you, at least have the decency to delete the parts where the AI talks to you.
There is a little bit of story in your IA. No but being serious,the novel it's so rushed half the time you don't understand what's going on. Have you seen "Person of interest"? No? Not the novel problem here are all the characters from that show without any explanation.
I get that it's easier using a system to make some sort of "progretion" but what I don't get it's why do do it in a slice of life novel, what could possible happen fot the mc to be super human? In this chapter you gave the mc an infinite backpack, why? If you have everything then anything else becomes meaningless.
It's really sad to read this chapter, everything's natural, yeah right about now, no.
This started as a somehow enjoyable super star tycoon type of novel, a guy who sang and become famous, but right about now there's IA's, interdimentional beings, missiles hitting houses and a bunch of non connecting things forced to be connected. So the first hundred ish chapters are 7/10 Right now it's just a crack fic 2/10
Wait how's he going to take a dump???
I guess I'll start with the writing quality, there are mistakes in the grammar and structure of each chapters, things like: "hello",someone said."but that's Okey"i replied. This might seem like small things but when reading it's really uncomfortable. Then let's talk about the development of the story, it started like any other modern family fanfiction, a guy dies, got some cheats and transmigrates to the world, all right. That is until the guy for some reason falls for Alex Dumphy and the novel becomes something you would read in wattpad. "Baby girl" "Sweetheart" "Darling" And descriptions of scenes so cringe that it hurts to read. At least in the last chapter (at today updates) the author seems to understand that in 2 weeks of knowing someone it is not plausible to have this kind of relationship with anyone, doesn't matter how "hot and bad boy" the MC is. This bring me to the final point, the MC: Remember what I said about "a guy dying"? well the MC was a well achieved scientist that choose a new "path" after regretting wasting his life with just science, so while dead he has the option to just pick what he wants to be after transmigration, so he now wants to be an artist... And that's about it, we really don't know anything else about the MC, I mean we know he fancies Alex, and his parents are usually away, but that would be it. Overall. Is it a read you can do? Yeah I guess if you're into cringe "romance" novels. Would I recommend it? No as first pick, there are definitely better reads out there with the same premise, but if you have read all that and you're looking for something similar, this is kind of like that.