I once saved an Ethiopian baby from a pack of angry chipmunks...
Membaca buku-buku
You had him at 59 last chap and now he is 49?
Dude how many times is he gonna get attacked on this trip?! This is so repetitive it’s beyond stale at this point. Would’ve made more sense to just time skip the majority of this trip back and give a brief overview of his levels after arriving back instead of us getting another chapter of ambush number 14. At this point I feel like I’m reading a smutty ambush simulator
Iirc. He has a vision of what basically was WW2 and feared what muggles would be capable of if left unchecked and allowed to continue growing unopposed. Even then I don’t think he wanted to wipe them out through, just rule with an iron fist and keep magical on top of the food chain so to speak. I think at one point Grendlewald even mentioned respecting their ingenuity, didn’t stop him from wanting to conquer them though
Thing is it isn’t so easy to denounce things like this situation if you look at it with even the barest amount of logic. If we go by your logic that mental age is more important than body age, then why is it not okay for older men to date underaged women (who typically show to be far more mature than young men)? See the issue there? Mental age in the real world is dependent on too many variables like how you grew up, your struggles early on, etc. to give a definite perspective, but biological age is something set in stone. Not to mention with the fact that it’s impossible to prove or disprove any religion or lack therof, as far as we know reincarnation could really be a thing, so you could date someone the same age as you, while in reality you are dating someone 1000 years younger than you in terms of soul. With that being said that’s something unreliable as well to judge by, so yet again we are back to biological age. Not to mention you are doing what a lot of these novels tend to do and forgetting that mental functions are directly tied to biological growth and development through aging. I get your logic, I really do, cuz it weirds me out seeing that as well most of the time, but the issue is the morality of the situation is not even close to as black and white as you are making it out to be due to the above issues.
Buddy I serve in the military. If you are American then you can thank this supposed “full of sh*t ignorant child” for those very freedoms you are going on about. Glad to see I was right though, despite you getting so worked up over me assuming where you were from based on your wording. You are correct that freedoms can only be surrendered, but when you live as part of a collective, it is the collectives vote that decides, not the individual, hence the idiots pushing so hard for gun control in America with the vocal minority asking for things that already exist, like background checks before you can purchase, the (imo stupid) tax stamp for suppressors or SBR’s, etc. And if you are from America or the UK then claiming freedoms are being restricted at the moment should be obvious to you, as you need not look any further than people being arrested for differing opinions online in the UK, or the PC woke crowd in the U.S that claims they champion diversity and inclusion while simultaneously excluding any straight white male or pretty woman. Honestly I’m confused by the hostility you show towards this when I haven’t said anything to target you, but I guess some people can’t have intelligent conversation without devolving into a raging buffoon at a perceived slight to their existence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That’s the thing though, you are blatantly being prejudiced against a skin color and attributing it to the cause for cultural ruination. Dont get me wrong, I see where you’re coming from, and I agree that this does indeed happen. I’m saying that blaming “whites” is the wrong way to go about explaining your point, as it’s targeted at a group that is no more to blame for it than the Mongolians, the Byzantine Empire, the Romans, etc.
I think you replied to the wrong person, cuz you are just proving my point. OP is the one that felt it was strange or unexpected to see TLM referenced. As I said we’ve already had 5-6 references at this point, from the Luhan Beastmen, to I think a reference to the world tree, skill names, the mechanic emperor, HX, etc.
It’s villain like behavior that he exhibits though iirc. Not to mention if you’ve read this guys other fics you would know what happens when you have the mc unaware and not manipulating the heroines with his inner voice, it gets old real quick because of the dense mc not being able to connect the obvious dots and see what’s happening, not to mention if he does actually discover that heroines can hear his inner voice and decides to never manipulate them with it, then what is the point of the inner voice to begin with? On the topic of mc getting waaay too many women I agree completely. It takes away from any character development you could be doing with a smaller cast in favor of constantly adding new members
You’re mixing too many different beliefs together here, for instance this story is Chinese, and 666 has nothing to do with anything religious in their language, instead it’s more of a cheer or celebration, but you are on the right track with the 3 part. 13 is relevant as well
That was a big leap in the wrong direction, he came with a doc to help Wang Xin and actually helped her, so naturally she would assume he was a doctor as well. Isnt like he introduced himself as a haunted house owner lol