This is turning out to be a very interesting year.
Membaca buku-buku
Yeah, I vaguely remember that some kind of magic/enchantment was used in the creation of Teigu.
Fuck you, take my like you bastard.
When you think about it, this is probably what would happen in a setting where Faith is power. Faith + Fate × Belief = Truth. The thing about Faith based powers in world's like this, is that Faith can't really be controlled, so much as directed. She made everyone including most of teyvat believe Furina is the Hydro Archon. The key here being Furina! Not Focalors. Even if she diverted Faith energy it's likely that it would eventually slip and make its way to its intended god. At such a point Fate and The Prophecy would probably metaphorically shrug and go 'Eh, Furina is the Hydro Archon, good enough for us!'.
Hephaestus: Hestia your hubby is cheating! Altair: Nuh uh Hephaestus: The fuck you mean, "Nuh uh"!?
And magic, I think? like HxH it's been years since I last saw it, but I vaguely remember magic existing in this world. Though I believe it's extremely subtle and obscure.
Gilgamesh be like: