


Been writing since I was 9, only just recently started publishing... If you prefer Wattpad I also have my stories posted on there @W3TBananas

2020-07-21 BergabungUnited States





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For The Love Of The Game

A young basketball star, age 13, coming up on 14 soon, loves to play basketball, and actually is insanely good at it. Not only is he fast, and has the stamina to maintain through an entire 48 minutes, but he also is a hard worker. After school, he usually goes to work out after all of that, doing his best to always be in the most fit, and the most pristine shape, all at the exact same time as well. There is only one problem in this story, which is the simple fact, that he is short, and you know the old term, usually for basketball, but also for a lot of other sports, which was 'short people can't play'. To be fair, all at the exact same time as well, the kid is still young, and he still has room to grow, but he is very short, and that means it's nearly impossible to shoot on his defenders. Luckily, his dribbling skills, and his moves work for him, and usually get the defender of balance, giving him an easy shot, but some times, he does not even have to do that, as he can pass it to an outlet man, and a shooter, or perhaps a big man in the paint. Trevor, is a very great player none the less, and he does a good job on rec league teams. He is tired of rec league though, and he wants to play high school basketball. The high school team has open try outs around early in the year, and he goes to the try out, all at the exact same time too. As he goes to try out, the coach just laughs at him, and doesn't really give him a chance, as he doesn't make the cut when all is said and done. This really hurts Trevor, as he wants a chance to do some thing with his skills. After school that day, he goes to his mother, and some how manages to transfer schools, to bit of a school out in the ghetto, as that is his only other choice. He tries out for the team there, but comes to find out that they have no coach, as their last one died last year. Without a coach, they have no team? Trevor is lost, but there is some one that is near him, he might be able to help him...

W3TBananas · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

The Orc With A Heart

story is featured in middle earth, many thousands of years ago, at a time where there was Orcs, goblins, dwarves, elves, humans, and dragons. This particular case, is simply between a war that raged on with orcs and humans, that seemed to have lasted for several millennia. Orcs and humans never seemed to get along with one another, and they always seemed to be in war with them selves. As an army of humans go to take over some land that is owned by orcs, they destroy the entire city, as it is over run by humans. In one the houses, there laid a baby orc, so young that it had not even opened its eyes just yet. Its mother and father had gone out to defend their city from the attack that was led by the humans, leaving him alone inside the hut. After the attack is over, and just about every orc is left dead, one of the humans goes in to a specific hut, to see what he can loot in there. Whilst in there, he sees the young orc, as he was nearly about to kill it, until he can't help but feel guilty, by seeing the look in the eyes of the baby orc. Since he realizes that his wife can not have children, he figures that he may as well bring one back for the both of them to raise together. In a big of a strange story, about an orc that is raised by a family of humans, watch how the orc grows up, seeing a lot of ugly looks from a lot of people when he goes out in public. The orc is confused as to what it is that is so wrong with him...

W3TBananas · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Limpfoots Visions (A Warrior Cats Manga)

WARNING If You have not already, please go ahead and read the first 3 books in the Warrior Cats fan fic, starting with Alone! This story is about Limp, now called Limpfoot, and where she was at before she was the medicine cat of Windclan. It is a bit of a shorter story, since she was so young, and not much happened in her life. Her grand parents tell her about the clans, and all about what had happened to them, and how amazing they were. They begin to teach her about the cats called Starclan, and her mother gets very angry at them, so they stop telling her about the cats. Something then happens to those cats not much longer after that, and her mother becomes very hurt and get very depressed. The kits then have to search for food for them and their mother, so that they do not starve and die, due to their mother not wanting to hunt. One of the small scraps of food that the kits managed to get seems to have something wrong with it, but the cats eat it anyways. As it turns out it was a human made food poison trap made for a completely different animal. The kits begin to get very sick, at the wrong time of year. The mother can not hold out very much longer, so the kits then must go on their own, but they are very sick still, and their immune system is weak. Limp begins to have these visions while being sick about the cats that her grand parents had told her about. She thinks she is going crazy, but she follows her brother and sister anyways, as they try to make it on their own, while not giving in, and becoming kittypets, like their mother fears for them. Will they make it, or will they fail?

W3TBananas · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Destined Through Fire (Dragon Wars Book 2)

Jangras and his father both know that this war is only just beginning. Wow most dragon's in the tribe believe the tribe is safe and the war is already over, Himla makes sure to tell them to keep a steady eye. Meanwhile Jangra is greaving for the loss of his brother, he was his closest friend... He was a role model to Jangra. Jangra now also feels betrayed by Yikla as if he was used, and he blames himself for the death of his brother. Now battling through depression, Socra, Jangras mentor believes that Jangra needs to take the next step on his path. Jangra is too heart broken to even think about that. Meanwhile, Joseph on the other hand is with his father and Padre and Kaden. Padre is telling all the stories that he had heard from Josephs uncle. Joseph feels betrayed, he wishes that his mother and uncle should have told him. He could have been there and maybe saved her life. David, Josephs father, is battling through deep depression but he is training hard than all of them to become a part of the battalion. The battalion, what was left of it is coming back together with lots of new face. The government has fallen into absolute anarchy... People are protesting on the streets, and the army is falling apart. The Battalion is doing its best using Josephs unic skill to find dragons. After the government manages to talk sense into people, the battalion is the main part in the army relaying messages to go out and hunt important dragons. Joseph meanwhile during a lot of the time, is searching for Julia and his sister, keeping a small hope that they are somehow alive out there. As the chances become slimmer and slimmer Joseph falls into a deep depression and becomes the ultimate dragon slayer, killing every dragon that he runs across. With both Joseph and Jangra both going through so much and trying their best, to be the best. Will Joseph and Jangra ever cross paths? Will both of them find out how to stop the war? Find out the this thrilling sequel of dragon wars!

W3TBananas · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

Alone (Book 1: A Warrior Cat story)

This book is about the Warriors cat series, a lot of you reading this no what this is but if you don't its by a group called Erin Hunter and its about cats and clans that they are in, so go ahead and read at least the first series before you read this or you will have no idea what is going on at certain parts of this story. This is about a cat long after the days of Firestar, that is from his kin, he doesn't know who that is and is several generations from him. In fact no cats knows who he is at this point. The clans don't even exist at this point, they are far away in the past. If you don't know who Firestars sister Princess is she is from the first series, she had several kittens but gave one to Firestar, however the ones she didn't give to him, 1 in particular, is the great great great etc. Grandfather of this cat in this story, this is just a normal kitty pet that has no clue about any of this. However he has a dream one night about the clans and something about bringing them back together by a cat that's is apparently related to him. He is so confused and has no idea what it was, but after is owners through him out on the streets. He is alone with no one to go to, he runs to the foods, eating nasty berries because he has no way to learn how to hunt. But the same cat goes into his dreams and teaches him how to do all of it, once again telling him to rebuild the clans. After that he is alone once again with nowhere to go to, and no other cats the be near him. Can he make it out there alone?

W3TBananas · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs