For the God-emperor and for Krieg
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Thank for the chapter
Although I agree with you, I just thought about it, the first defense turrets don't run on gasoline?
Thank for the chapter
When he said that, it wasn't Naruto who did that, he was talking about Hinata's team.
Thank for the chapter
Thank for the chapter
Thank for the chapter
Thank for the chapter
Not really we could even ask the question if they did not judge allegiance to one of the 4 gods of chaos, in a world have the slightest knowledge can be given on purpose by a demon to corrupt you, the method of the Mechanicus is not the best but the most '' sure ''. For example she thinks she is different from them but yet she literally uses the same methods
The Emperor's decree does not prevent the Inquisition from suspecting him, if I remember correctly the Emperor's decree only decreed the creation of a Space Marine chapter which is also an anachronism given that the Emperor was already introduced on the Golden Throne and that it was Roboute Guilliman who created the Space Marine chapters during the second foundation. The only person to whom an Inquisitor does not really have authority are the Primarchs but again nothing prevents them from monitoring them.