Membaca buku-buku
No i dont think she did. Well i may be misinformed about the meaning of reverse psychology but how i understood it worked is something along the lines of her telling you you shouldn’t do the normal course because you’re to weak, not skilled enough and the biggest wimp and then you get mad at her and you do the normal course to show of you’re not a wimp. But i don’t think she did anything like that
Youre being way to nice no need to refer to me as sir or madam. I’m not completely sure why I stopped writing I’m ultimately just a lazy person for wich i am sorry as most people that read this most definitely deserve better. anyway i wanna start writing again as one friend i met online was telling me i should keep writing and stuff i do have some tests coming up and again im lazy so i cant really promise anything but i hope i can retto writing.
Not like they are gonna see what i co a small writer
No sorry let me try friend you see if that works
No im not. I can try adding you but ill need your username and the numbers behind the # which you can see if you cklick on your profile
Thanks i love the cat pic im doing okay school is stressful but others have it worse than me so i seem to be pretty good off here is pic of doggo
No need to send stones help out your friend they probably deserve it more
I seem to be able to receive friend requests from everyone
Really sorry ill fix it