A failed product caused by the pains of life. Whoever reads this, should take their own path and allways listen to those closest to you and not those appearing to be. Its been a nice time, goodbye! <3
Membaca buku-buku
at this point im embarresed to even upload on this account tbh, iv let down a lot of people who pushed my forward and gave me encouraging comments but i just cant do this atm. im trying to make a Novel as of right now so i can pay my bills but yeah thats mostly the reason. Thanks so so so much for reading the fanfiction that i wrote, it truly warms my heart <3 until i decide to stop being a coward then cya
Hello readers, I am extremely excited to notify you that I have started my own novel now, check out "The Hero's POV". Thank you eternally...
Hello readers, I am extremely excited to notify you that I have started my own novel now, check out "The Hero's POV". Thank you eternally.....
Its pretty good as of right now, hope you don't drop this author. Its a pretty interesting as of right now especially the plot but its still quite new so cant say that much. Ill be editing my review as the chapters go.
I thought he actually tried to translate this but he just copy pasted it into chat gpt and bro still wants people to subscribe to his patreon, utterly shameless it tell ya.
more effective in real combat? is this a joke or something? narutos and hinatas styles are propably much more focused on real combat than any martial art that our world has created and they have been tested on wars with other people capable of superhuman feats... what u said here just makes zero sense but sure go ahead.
Or it could just be a feline monster like a tiger? what then? its worse than the direwolf by a landslide.
I find it so wierd that people want to have water at their bedside? like bro just get out of bed and go get it.
How much do i got?