Bruh idek what I'm doing anymore 💀💀💀
Membaca buku-buku
yes yes yes 🤤🤤
Idk what you're ranting about lol. Plot convenience IS boring- And unimaginative. A lot of the comments have been criticizing that since the first chapter 💀
Though not very intelligent, the wisdom of the heaven defying cultivator is not to be underestimated 😩
idk whatchu mean man. I was saying immunity is good. We sayin the same thing, yeah?
Please sir, I need s'more 🥹
Ye thats my point. My boi did all that and apparently he's king? A rank below ruijerd? He gotta be way stronger than king
I see i see
She can read written notes just fine, so why can't she do the same with books? Is she like, sensing the bumps of pencil lead or somthn But then If she really can't read, then why could she see the artwork of the book and not the letters?
Would have been heartwarming if she said Lions