Membaca buku-buku
LOTM reference, LET'S GOOOO!
Forgot to mention, but the same person that one shot a celestial can't even protect the Earth from magneto using some of his basic powers. Like ???? she insta killed thanos with 1 million MP who can basically destroy the MCU alone, couldn't even make a shield big enough to protect earth when shes 100x stronger
This is a good fanfic that you can binge without having to use a single braincell. The world building is great, and almost seamlessly merges multiple universes to make an interesting home world without the need for constantly switching universes like some other multi cross fanfics do with decent character interaction even though the romance is basically non existent, just straight to doing the do and boom harem member. If you like compelling, creative, and well written action or power scaling, this isn't the fanfic for you. The MC has become a "high-tier" goddess and still uses the same three moves to fight everyone with no variation or creativity and no conceptual abilities despite fighting a celestial and one shotting them. If you like the male MCU or DxD characters, theres only really 4 or 5 that show up with any consistency, being azazel, michael, tony stark, captain america, and a few more side characters that don't matter in the least. Theres also a bunch of rapey undertones for a few of the villains that really show that the writer reads too many chinese novels.
another banger
bro did not use her name
The first sign of his corruption. Pineapple on pizza... Only the moon mommy would allow that.
pretty fun read
Pretty funny with good action scenes.