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Alice, not Alyss. Alice is the one who cares about her outfit. Alyss would be exasperated with Alice for caring so much about her clothes, but openly or secretly support her since she's still sore about getting caught off guard. They would both take the money regardless since their expenses are so high, and Qiu Qiu trying to kill them gives them justification for taking it.
good story. looking forward to read more
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this review was made for a free fastpass
I'm looking forward to reading this more
in chapter 4, the author clearly states that the dark elves can turn the barren land fertile and quickly grow crops because of the magic they learned from the MC. if you continue reading through chapter 5, you'll realize that the forest is at the border of the dark elves' territory and the trees there are withered with the place being described as somewhere even grass won't grow.
this novel is good, but it's unfinished.
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Im writing this review for free fastpass
I hope that the author continues the book