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I also think that The Story could use a little more dialogue
Kid: dad i am hungry!! Dad: why?
Very good novels, I wish they were move like this, i know they are but compared to this they are not even close to it, i recommand This novel 100%
I didnt understand half of the chapter, Mostly because i didn’t care about her back story but it was a good chapter only if we had moar
We need more chapters....
I know its Hard to make this things But any chance we get more chapers per week ?
Very good book i like the idea i am at around chapter 7 and i saw that it sisnt uodate for quite some time i hope it would start updateding again or maybe it has an end either way i hope the author will update again very good book i support and apreciate your work
Very good novel i wish it had more chapter or at least the author would realease more chapters per week i know its really hard to write i appreciate and support your work
I really apreciate your work i read it In one go, I know how hard is to write but you should really increase thw uploding rate i am waiting for the next chapter (**: tbh i cried two times while reading it very good work )