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Ah, thanks for the spot.
I understand where you are coming from and I do need to work on it. I guess I look at trying to make the fight more eventful, rather than, her being stronger means she easily takes people down, and things end quickly and easily (not that that is what you are saying either). In this instance, all I can say is that she only had a couple of days worth of training, which she hasn't had the time to constantly repeat and drill the things she learnt into her head. Additionally, her tail is still reforming, so it's not at its peak which hinders her a little as well and given the size of the room they are in, the Poleaxe just isn't feasible as a weapon to use. If she tries to swing it she's going to get it lodged into a beam or a barrel or something. Then there is the hulking beast of a man she is against. But, I understand your point, I shall have to think harder in regards to the next fight scene.
Is this still the case, as from my uploads, I can see part 1 so I'm not sure why is hasn't shown up for you.
Well, she may look like a monster, but she doesn't have to act like one. Besides, blinding a man after capturing him while staying in a house you have been invited to stay in as a guest, might not go down well with some people.
Thanks for the spot. Ill correct that.
For the time being at least. So far she has just been going with the flow, giving into the experiences that Lyrika has provided her. There is also the Orc and Goblin urge that is growing in her that's going to cause her to remain a little cautious as well. But, I'm sure it won't be long before the urge grows strong enough and she has the chance to truly go for it with one of the girls. It's possible it would have happened with Lyrika if they hadn't been stopped.
Well, I think it's a culmination of all that she has learnt that caused her to go for it. It's not just the words of one man, a series of events and information she has learnt. Besides, she should be more than capable of handling herself should trouble occur, being a Mercenary and all.
It's still healing so there isn't much she has to hide, then its a case of doing like she did at the ball and bunching it up what remains as best as she can.
Thanks for spotting. I shall correct this.
You never know. She still has quite the journey ahead.