Just a Mermaid.
Membaca buku-buku
Are you the author that posted this on QQ?
just type the title but replace the word OP said
The original can be found on multiple sites but the one I read from is on novelupdate.com the chapters are longer so there won't be as many but has more words per page
This is a thief who stole the original work. you can read up to the newest chapters if you type the title on you browser. This should take you to the original with over 200 chapters for free. Again this is a thief don't support them for stealing others work.
Please add the dommy mommy, salem, from rwby.
is this only for pack or group animals like wolves and baboons?
He is like a beta harem protagonist that does not know how to act around women.
Pretty good if I do say so myself. The only criticism I have is not explaining who the characters are. I literally know not a single one that he got but other than that I understand and enjoyed the story.
I love but please tone down the chinese talk a little bit as its hard to understand or at least explane what it means at the end of the chapter.