Membaca buku-buku
this probably one of the best boys fanfic I've ever read everything about is just perfect keep up the good work my guy or girl
god tier stuff my guy you have really outdone yourself in this. everything felt right and i dont know what relationship bettween sheldon and penny but looking forward it. keep up the good work but dont burn yourself out.
i can aalmost taste the next chapter, hurry i need it
i need moooooorrrrrrrreeeee
this is some good shit and i have to say i already craving for the next chapter please do as fast as you safely can and also keep up the good work
the writting is pretty good but their are some unrelistic things such as the way he just keep instantly making woman fall for him and want to fuck him and hes has a 8 inch penis while being five years old the author i think will just say it from the energy he call hone but i dont like it anyaway if you want a good story then this is probably not it but if you want to read porn or 18+ wish fufilment with lots of smut then this is for you
on the weekdays