Membaca buku-buku
Nobody: (looks down in shame) Me: Fine by me! I can just live with Noah and live my happy life and be the sub he wants. Ta ta
Good Lord that was just beyond hotttt.😍😍😍😍😍😍
Welcome back this chapter was just (insert chef kiss) perfect. I luv youuuu
Just want you to know that we're all here for you Leanne. Can't wait for the next chapters but also it's gonna be ok. I'm only 17 but I know what's its like to see people that you loved the most die. I'm probably your youngest reader but just reading this book over and over always put me in a good mood. Get better and take your time so when you come back to Webnovel we will all be waiting here with cheers and applauds for your next chapter. Love you and remember it's ok to cry, crying means your human.
MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEEE. I can't wait for the next chapter. also, are you posting during Christmas break. Love how Noah was about to turn a whole dom at the end if the last chapter.
omg omg yessssssssssssssssssssssss
When will Noah come back into her arms? Also, is this going to be daily or are you gonna make us wait in anticipation again?
Me: I don't know. Oh, wait, maybe because he sexually harasses and threatens me 24/7. P.S: Loving the content can't wait for the next chapter by the way. ALSO do you write any other books
Just take as much time as you need. LOVING THE STORY THOOO [img=recommend]
I wish the rest of the chapter were free so I didn't have to use my fast passes