Here to write and have a good time✌
Membaca buku-buku
The writing itself is amazing, seriously unbelievable. I love the way you describe the world and the characters living in it. I can't really find anything wrong with your writing and book. Just keep on writing and doing a good job.
Perhaps I didn't clarify it all to well, but it would seem that Yuri's firepower isn't strong enough to deal it any damage.
Thank you, that means a lot. I worked very hard the last couple of years to get to this level. I hope you keep reading the story and enjoy the plot. There is more on the way.
I love romance stories, but I feel it's really hard to make them right and not turn them into a "Will they, won't they." type of story. While reading this book I can say it definitely isn't that. I love the main characters and their personalities. And most of all I love the direction the story is headed. I can't wait to read more.
Super dark, but a good read none the less. I really loved the beginning, and as someone who puts my characters through hardships at the beginning of the story I really hope our main lead gets here get to a happy point in life. All in all I enjoyed it and can't wait to read more.💪
A gripping and interesting plot, I have to admit. I really enjoyed the main characters and the world you've build. I hope you keep doing a good job and that the story continues.
An amazing hook of a first chapter. It really pulled you onto the story and didn't let go until you were caught up. I really enjoyed the story, but what I enjoyed even more were the characters. They have a distinct personality and air to them, something that compliments the story were well. Can't wait to read more.
It makes me happy to hear that, I'm trying to make the chapters as detailed and good as I can so it takes me a couple of days before releasing them. I do hope you stay to follow the story.
The characters are something else, my god. The character writing is impeccable. I just love the mc and not to forget the story, it's so emirsive. Seriously great job.
A really good and enjoyable read. I really like the story and even more the characters. I can't wait to read the rest and hope the updates are consistent because this is one hell of a story. Good work author👍