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Good enough. Gave 5.0 because it was unique though I think it will plateau soon. Author should try to improve depth of matches. I think author probably has plan for Few figueres tobe introduced like manny, flyod. Probably he can switch over into mma later. I think I would like to see how protag cope with fame and popularity. Since his attitude is based off mcgregor, who has history of sexual and substance abuse protag may follow his path.
How about someone like flyod mayweather build or like baki lean and streamline? With brown hair
Great work! Finally an hollywood fic without system or chinese bullshit. Hope you continue the series, author! It would be better for a timeskip. Because all stardom devolve quickly into shitstorm in adolescence or adulthood. Besides it would be fun to see impact of sex and relationship on troys career
This fic is available on AO3 under name "Meddling Giant" and is much further. I read a post on reddit that author did not publish it on webnovel and this author has stolen this work.
It might be the best hp fanfic that may have been written. It is exactly like my dream hp fan fic because it combines spirituality , mystique of magic with rationality. Author has truly given justice to concept that magic is science as well as art. Keep it up author!! Excited to see how adventures of hagrid turns out Wishing you luck from India!!
So far I have binge read the fic and its being absoultely enjoyable. Greatwork author🫂
It is an awesome novel!! Must read for all! The premise is unique, author has done great job at storytelling. Hope author doesn't drop it or locks it too early[img=update][img=update][img=update]
Author come man! Dont leave us hanging