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Shadow Caster: Rebirth

In the word of Ifone monsters and humans exist, only living on opposite sides of a continent to avoid mass fighting and war. Within years and years ago, when the world was ravaged by war, famine, pestilence, and death, monsters ravaged the human land and nearly drove them to absolute nothingness. The monsters held no remorse, regardless of age, gender, and race. The monsters ruled above humans in every possible means of rebellion, any slight advantage. It was hopeless. And yet, even in an age where hope was no more than an old emotion locked away in the hearts of the human population. Or what remained of it. A miracle occurred, a blessing from the gods perhaps. Known as Kata. Through this use of a power unknown to even the monster forces, humans were finally capable of fighting back and having a fighting chance. Years after the ensuing conflicts, relations had only worsened and the borders between the two species only weakened with time. The sole factor keeping this 'peace' were the military across Ifone that used Kata to a high level. Allowing the generations to come to enjoy life without having the threat of complete destruction. Years later, far after the inital war, tensions only seem to increase by the day, causing many humans to fear that another way may be on it's way thanks to an ever weakening border as the days go by.. Tsuji a boy with the dream of becoming a military member to face monsters and keep the peace, traverses the way to the monster half of the continent. Hoping to prove himself after discovering a book that vows to teach him the secrets of Kata. Only to find that monsters have access to the energy used to defeat them and years to go. The revelation puts the entire hierarchy of power on the brink of destruction of life as he knows it. Before he can even tell his village, he is defeated and left for dead. Left with no allies, a beaten and bruised body, and now on a continent, he doesn't understand surrounded by the very beings he hates. He must uncover the conspiracy that surrounds Kata. Unless he is capable of uncovering the truth soon it may mean the end of Ifone as he knows it

Tempest_Akunin · Fantasy
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2 Chs