I like fanfic , harem , romance and mecha ... I don't usually read cultivator type of novels unless i don't have any new thing to read I especially ignore/ bash/ alien racist type of novel
Membaca buku-buku
oh shit no political views please here even in movies its just subtle and non descript 😐 or ill label 🤦 i starting like this novel don't go shit on me
incursio plus spider bite wouldn't that be perfect
🤔 SI
hey quack , I've been checking your profile are one of those agent ? typical chinese surveyor or something that spread shit this and that to readers community we've seen a lot on those here specially in mtln and novelcool we've been tracing them you know 😏
so far , so good even if there's some Chinese inside this novel leasi there's none of this inside 1. political point of view of one person 2. traditional comparison 3. war results and any related to the irl good job at least for now
🤤if there's someone deranged here its probably a person who defend a country saying they are not racist but in fact they have there very own concentration camp 🧐🤢
mehh china is well-known racist 🤦 another dope , welp if china isn't racist why concentration camp even exist in the first place stpid
yup Chinese made 😐
Chinese are well known for being racist its there brand like a goblin vs human why racist ?!then ask whos stupid enough to build a concentration camp the whole body is racist