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I like how you slowly introduced the guys one by one again coz otherwise there would have been too many names to remember.
I think his restaurant should be closed down if he's not going to work as a team. The whole place's performance depends on all of them working together. Bad chef!
Thank you so much for your review. I really appreciate it.
I feel so much for Penelope and her family. All that pain and sorrow for a child to experience. Bring justice to her and her dad. Take your revenge my little one...
Awww... And I thought it would be smooth sailing from here...
I'm excited to see how Clara deals with Sebastian when he's trying so hard to be in her life. Then there's her brothers too. Max and Jeremy are such characters.
Omg I can't believe this twist. Sigh, if nothing killed her family there could have been a them years ago. But such is life. We don't always get what we want.
I just started your book. Found it by accident and the first 18 chapters are heartbreaking. I hope Lorey's life gets better. Love the continuity and ease of the story. Can't wait to read more
Hahaha... Love this comeback. Bam!
Su Xiang is feisty and capable too. I love it