If only I didn't have to sleep, I might have enough time for all my hobbies...
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I post every Monday around 21:00 CET
Ah, good to know; I'll post weekly on Mondays at 21:00 European standard time.
Of course not😂 you can access the lock from both the inside and outside; it works the same with my house's lock.
Hah, right, that's wrong; thanks for noticing it!
As stated in my introduction, I write in British English and not American English. Fetal is correct, but Foetal is also right in this situation, as I'm writing in British English.
Thank you for the positive review! I hope I can live up to your expectations! I'll certainly try!
Hah, thank you for noticing the mistake! Dutch just influenced my writing :) I meant tea, which is thee in dutch. My autocorrect didn't correct it; this is why readers are so valuable!
I just noticed I made a grammar error...
The only acceptable response😂
No reviews? 1,3 million views? 3,48K collections? Why doesn't this novel have no reviews?! Well, dear reader, I've removed all the reviews because they were from the old story, not the new one that will be posted soon or has already been posted here. So why are you posting your review, then? To make sure new readers also know what is happening. For now, you can still read the old novel, but in about 3 to 4 days, that will change, and those chapters will also be removed. But new readers, don't be scared away, because in about 3 to 4 days; new chapters will be posted with, in my opinion, a hundred times the quality than the chapters are right now! So if you have spare time, add this novel to your library and give it a read this Sunday or Monday!