


Most wanted. Want to bite me?? Come.

2019-11-24 BergabungPakistan



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  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas DeadSaltedFish

    Same here.

    In the library, Chen Chen had just put down a copy of Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry and gave a long exhale.
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    it even terrorized us in MBBS. lol. but it was fun TBH

    In the library, Chen Chen had just put down a copy of Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry and gave a long exhale.
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas Great_Lord_R

    No. Earth is flat according to bible. i can bring you the verse. you bring me the verse where it says earth is spherical.

    Ascoli, who first discovered that the Earth was spherical[1]; Copernicus, who stood firm on his heliocentric theory; Servetus, who figured out pulmonary circulation; and Galileo, the pioneer of modern experimental science…
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    So blind to the five senses. cannot it be possible that something exists that is beyond our five senses. is it a universal law that anything not detected by five senses doesn't exist? can we detect infrared rays with our five senses without using any equipment? can we detect the presence of nitrogen atoms in the air without any external aid. i am disappointed, professor.

    "I don't know if there are souls in this world, but even if there is, the soul is then merely an undiscovered 'lifeform' or 'natural phenomenon'.
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    Well. remind me it was Einstein who invented atomic bomb. he was an atheist right. if he was a religious person, he wouldn't have partook in this genocidal weapon no matter what. Since he was not, atomic bomb came into existence and millions died and humanity is at risk. So, Science without religion is blind.

    "There are many similar rumors such as 'Scientists spend thousands of years to reach the mountain peak, only to find Buddhist scholars and theologians waiting for them' or 'Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is incapable of progress', and so on."
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    Why did you take away the devia story from royal road bro?

    Ch 19 Extraction Aborted
    Fantasi · PilgrimJagger
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    A very good story.,,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,..,.,.,.,.,.,......,,.,.,.,.,..,,..,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..

    Fantasi · PilgrimJagger
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    hahahaha. it is good to dream when young. most probably, yours will be below average.

    Bab ini telah dihapus.
    You gained 15 EXP!
    Fantasi · mrant12
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas Aioria619

    I am a doctor. the other types of sexual interaction is counted as "abnormal sexual behaviour" in medicine. there are many different reasons for that. if may be environmental, psychological and many more. furthermore males are more sexual than females. and females outnumber males in many many countries. a great percentage population of new York is gay. so where will the unmarried females go if they cannot find their husband..become public property?? to fullfil their needs. male and female is the one and only natural way of sexual interaction.

    Steel Waste
    Derivasi dari game · Niggross
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    stupid worm. I know what destabilise means. I just want to destabilise you both physiologically and psychologically. you knuckles are itching. as well as my feet. to crush a worm like you under my feet. hey listen worm. if you are serious then talk. I am serious here. you don't have any idea how many plans I made for you. if you are not, don't waste my time.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    delusional worm. you come here first. I will see who will destabilise who. we will see how you will act like a delusional worm here. when I break your first bone.. I will also ask for your choices. and also don't worry... I have access to many things.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    you come to rajan pur first. for you to be crushed under my boots, you don't need my name or who am I with. let me put a "amicable" purposal. come to rajan pur. there come to Allah abad chowk. then message me. tell me your appreance. I will get you then. I will take you to my farm house first. then I will make you feel the pain of bones being broken. then you will know what does it mean to become an arrogant worm.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    and I will destabilise your ass. I don't need to destabilise regions for you. destabilising your ass is enough for a cowardly bitch like you.hahahahah

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    your inner monologue is just like I said absolute nonsense. this just shows how much of an ignorant you are. you are a self delusionist. we call people like you such. people like you know that they are all knowing. your arrogance and your attitude is why I called you a gutter worm. because you are one. keep talking to yourself. just like a maniac you are.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas Dominic_Zibuda

    bro. If you don't want to, then you should not be the judge. it hurt me when you said that I started it first.

    The reward for the quest was worth 5 Basic beasts too. From the six grades of beasts, Basic, Rare, Grand, Sacred, Divine, and Celestial, the Basic gives the lowest EXP and the least quality of items.
    Code Collector
    Fantasi · Peltivierre
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas Dominic_Zibuda

    first it may not Chinese. even if it is, the translator may belong to monotheistic religions. so if I get offended or if I know something that the said author or translator or editor don't. we can protest a bit or try to inform them a bit. it is the least we can do. if you are a blind person and are about to fall in a hole, it is the least we can inform you of the further danger. right..

    The reward for the quest was worth 5 Basic beasts too. From the six grades of beasts, Basic, Rare, Grand, Sacred, Divine, and Celestial, the Basic gives the lowest EXP and the least quality of items.
    Code Collector
    Fantasi · Peltivierre
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    ignorant self delusional worm. this is your reality in front of me and everyone in the world. people like you who are trapped in the self made bubble of "greatness". worm.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas Dominic_Zibuda

    he is welcome to attack me. but he does not need to..because he is already attacking me by attacking my elders, my religion, my personality. so I will of course break his legs if he was in front of me. but it is internet. nobody can catch him. I dare him say a single abusive word in front of me.

    The reward for the quest was worth 5 Basic beasts too. From the six grades of beasts, Basic, Rare, Grand, Sacred, Divine, and Celestial, the Basic gives the lowest EXP and the least quality of items.
    Code Collector
    Fantasi · Peltivierre
  • Muhammad_Usama1

    of course I will break his legs if he dares to abuse me or my parents or my religion in front of me. so tell me..where am I wrong in it???

    The reward for the quest was worth 5 Basic beasts too. From the six grades of beasts, Basic, Rare, Grand, Sacred, Divine, and Celestial, the Basic gives the lowest EXP and the least quality of items.
    Code Collector
    Fantasi · Peltivierre
  • Muhammad_Usama1
    Balas man_of_culture3030

    let me tell you your reality. you are a self important fool who think that he is so important just because you accomplished something in your life. you are now a big shot while all others are some inferior people to you know. you need some psychiatrist...

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    To Sleep In The Sea Of Time
    Fantasi · man_of_culture3030