Membaca buku-buku
what the white haired guys cute!, 😍 im so jealous!!!
first chapter sent me too!, at the beginning I was all like what!?! but after pushing through it just got better and better I love this so mutch! but I kinda wish she would end up with the white haired guy lol... but I mean the brown haired guy's ok too....I guess.., well okay, he's a good character but he's kinda depressed and boring i like the white haired guy cause he's entertaining and thrilling he's got a pretty good personality that I like and prefere ya know... even though he's kinda a "man wh***" but still he's...😍... that's all I can say I hope you appreciate the feed back love your work i can't wait to read future chapters! -Autumn L.
seriously this is amazing ill always be a fan keep up the good work! I love their personalitys the character designs are top notch!👌 mutch love!❤ -crazy weeb!💓
Honestly this is one of the best story's I've read I love how she isn't a helpless little girl the story is also very funny the characters are really well done beautiful art I hope this series lasts for a long time💛 (lmao I sound like my mom wtf yall this is a hella good story don't hesitate reading it oki bai).