Membaca buku-buku
then why write a fanfic if you just copy paste from the original?
alaya maybe
not fighting type?
the kage of drug village
did you get it?
and tapestry of fate too
thank you for listening
shirou is so annoying and inconsiderate here. I would have expected Able to kill him or take the arm with the command seals already just for using a command seal to make him stop his attack
japanese shortening for the words of high-school girls in japanese
Too much talk. almost no show. what's the point of reading his thoughts when that's the entire story in this arc? My favourite part in overlord stories is in truth the game part. Not the New World one. However we don't see much about the game here. only him bragging... and bragging... and bragging while daring us to refute him! where is that journey whose importance you talked about??? what's is the point here? why do we only hear of his "exploits" but not see them?? if it continues like this it would have been better to skip the game entirely (even when I dislike the New World part in most stories)