Membaca buku-buku
I am a bit sad for Anna she could have been perfect for the harem what a waste but sometimes its the right things to not let everybody to survive because in an apocalypse its not so strange to die
I mean i am happy that he is not so stupid like others and he have choose the right decision, the first two in the harem i hope its a big harem
Why he need to be a saint its annoyng in this type of story the mc is a saint with everybody and maybe they will act like ruthless bastard i hope mc dint let others be superior of him and i hope he kill people that need to be killed and dotn act like a coward
Why he seems so stupid sometimes he is full of coins but why he doesnt buy ammunition and act like he is woth just little ammunition
I dont like how the mc think and speak like a simp or a dog licking plus you can have more beatiful indian actresses than the actress you have choosen and you are too concentrated on the indian movie plus you can try to obtain nzt from limitless and the v compund and others like the drug lucy have used on her movie she became pratically a god
The mc is a bit stupid and too much kind i hope he change later
I hope he is going to be more powerful than this and with real superpowers and plus he need to kill you cant always go without killing or you are going to end like in the dc where they let live the super criminals and they always return to do worse actions
The problem is that he cant save everybody
I hope harem
Not the best idea to add non system troops