Membaca buku-buku
But couldn’t you have kept this up and started a rewrite as a new book? 🥺
So.. was this dropped?
Nah dude, I meant like check what you’d written. While it’s in the synopsis, it’s also needed to be put into the story to bring it all together and make the story make sense. Otherwise you think there’s a part missing and all that. Thank you though ☺️
Why bother with his memories of the past being sealed if he puts himself by talking aloud about future things he shouldn’t know that will appear in his memories?
“But I can’t stay mad at her”? Please tell me this isn’t him forgiving the fact they staked him to raise a child, that you haven’t even mentioned if he would have killed? Also, please make him actually mad and then finally figuring out they treat him like crap.
I like it, but can you please review it? Maybe add some background at the beginning to explain he’s seen their lives? It’s kinda confusing the way you write as well, adding pieces in that seem like they don’t fit.
Do we really need constant reminders that it’s been six years and they miss each other?
Please continue! ❤️
Please continue! ❤️
Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your cow! How dare you leave it at a cliffhanger! 💔