

2019-08-14 BergabungGlobal



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  • Bakura_Ryo
    Balas Blazzing18

    Hopefully , just hopefully you know/ there was an author whom have book two or should I say season 2 out continue the story of the mc who got isekai but the second book was like 200 chapter in and stop dude been on hiatus cause of some medical issue so it was cool he talk and let us know. I respect him and I told him get better bruh then come back. Just don’t drop it. There been a lot of people have some pretty good work and drop it in the middle. Some good story line and other awesome 😎 scene but out of the blue they disappear I be like , dang dude just broke my heart and divorce me already. Hahaha I was like inlove with the book. If Yah gonna do something crazy atleast end the story in a good note. Make it so like we can continue to think about it what happen next.

    Ch 925 Shrine of Azure demon
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo
    Balas DaoistDq9CC8

    You kno it buddy’s lol 😂 well I haven’t read the book any further. I be like read a few chapter of the novel if it my cup of tea I continue if not toss it out of my shelves lol 😂 I’m not sure what going on now .

    Lilith looked at his back with flashing eyes and her lips curved into a beautiful seductive smile capable of enchanting any man's heart. However, no one seemed to be paying attention to her.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasi · XIETIAN
  • Bakura_Ryo
    Balas Doc_Miller4031

    I feel you, it not easy for you go buck wild and too much drama to kick off. I was like that myself I have multiple books I be reading but it sucks that I gotta spend more money just to enjoy what I read. Plus you have other things in life you need to take care off. There are author whom communicate with the readers and give them updates and other times you just have author those just barely write and don’t bother reply or communicate with the readers. What they think. So it be hard to know what going on in the author mind. Anywhom if you interested you can check out my book I have for suggestions. I made some list out some Info inside . But I haven’t fully update it yet cause I have been hiatus and life. What’s even funny I should have like over 5k worth of coins sitting in my account since I forgot to like take off the auto pay subscription . 😂 so it like I’m wasting money but the coin flowing thr

    Ch 940 saying goodbye to harem
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    That’s was a hella suprise lol hahaha Dun dun dunnnnn lol let see what wil happen next Stay tune on the next episode of dragon ball Z .. Neneneneneneen nananan nenenenen namanana nenenenenene

    Ch 942 Aira's concern
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Of course I be doubting yah ladies. You trying subdue me ? You better get the entire kingdom on this cause in the end you be in the grave with the rest. lol 😂

    "Do you doubt that we are not able to subdue a single kid,why are you having doubt in your eyes?"Aella gave a different look to Aira, hearing her and seeing that look on her face  Aira bitterly smiled.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Oh hoo this chick is super dumb dumb lol got help ? Pffffffftttttt girl you are in a treat for a rude awakening lol Dude Yohan went in like ONE MAN ARMY lol 😂 I be like hold my cup , I’m going to do some house keeping in this place now. Get this party started but ended super fast. 💨

    "Why are you so serious? Afterall he got help from his grandpa and his men's, moreover what can you expect those so called self proclaimed prominent figures...all of them are insects who resides in this shitty region,there is nothing to worry even if he defeated some nobody who is famous inside this region,this won't change the fact that he is our prey and we are here to take him!"Aella exclaimed but to her surprise aira remained unmoved by her words,seeing unmoved aira Aella clenched her fist and her eyes turned cold.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    My friend saved the day. I was like reading cobern ? Or concern him mean. 😭 but you got it correct 👍

    Aira's concern
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo
    Balas Doc_Miller4031

    I know how you feeling my friend lol 😂 it happen not just him it happen to other the pace it was going with the upload are good but than later on it just get slow and than it just go once a week and come 4 times a month.. than it just be a waste to unlock the chapter when you have getting no chapter. However as you go in the writer ✍️ side, we don’t know if he busy with life outside, or have writer block , new ideas 💡 the list goes on or we get to the dark side and we may not know he or she could be a jerk. We don’t know. I think the same way before. I just stack up chapter don’t bother, cause there are other book that still be read with lot of chapter. You can work on those before you come back. Be patient .

    Ch 940 saying goodbye to harem
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Yes I surely missed mommy right now. Gotta have some bonding with mom.

    'If you see her then ask her to forgive me,I should have stayed by her side...'Yohan said,Elsa gently caressed Yohan's hand and nodded her head.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    I knew it. Hit that right off the bat. Take responsibility lmao funny stuff

    Ch 939 Leaving dalmus dungeon
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Yup, leave it to him So he can spank her nicely lol

    "Leave it to yohan,he can handle her without our help,!"Elsa responded.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Oh the harem is getting wilder and wilder lol

    Evelyn and elsa took a long sighed seeing this scene,on the other hand kana's face were dark after knowing he called her my love and opened his arms for her,this is something he never did to her.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    The level is going over …..

    Ch 937 madness
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Have you gone mad , women lol 😂

    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    As part of the degenerate , you gotta say some word of convince but deep down we just gonna have a nice rodeo. Hey 👋 she started it she was the one showing me the goods I couldn’t help it to eat her lol 😂

    "I am not interested in your body or whatever you are offering,i am not scum and forcing someone is not my style... moreover i believe in mutual love and understanding,"Yohan said as he looked towards the sky in the direction of his partners, seeing yohan's gaze in their direction aana,Maria,elsa and kana's cheek turned red and bright smile appeared on their faces knowing it was always mutual,Yohan never forced himself on them, moreover these four made their move on him affected by his charm and his overwhelming strength which made him different from the any others mens!
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Wait … hold up … hold up women did you just realize what you just said now ???? At this moment this ladies just screw her self lol but I’m not ashame to let it rock. The baddie just dug her own grave now. She is in a full treat. Lol

    "Yes a bet,If you break that formation than I am willing to serve you with everything i got, whether it's my body or my soul,I'll be your slave for the rest of my life but if you failed then you will let go of my big sister and you also have to transfer the authority of the thirteen pillar which you called soul subspace,what do you think Yohan are you willing to do that?"
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    My friend it’s gonna be game time. We gonna see some beating of a life time. I let my lovely ladies have a go at her first l. Warm the bed for me ladies cause I’m gonna go in for the goal

    Ch 935 A calm before the storm
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    It just the seed have already been planted . There is a ripple in her heart now. lol 😆 We gonna go in nice and slowly. lol 😆

    "Nothing is impossible under the heavens,as long as you have the will then you can achieve everything with your strength,either way you have done well,you are indeed impressing lady Vanya'Yohan smiled as he gave a compliment to her, hearing Yohan her cheek slightly turned red after all it was the first time he gave her such compliment.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Oh me like this saying. You know things about to get real spicy 🌶️ in the storm. ⛈️

    A calm before the storm
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey
  • Bakura_Ryo

    Welp , the goal sound abit unrealistic however it can be achieved. Gotta put in them work my boy. Gotta make love ❤️ love them long time my child. We going for an Army of harem. Gonna be a nice way to put it. Onward

    'greater goal my ass I just wanted to live a carefree life with my partners,how I am going to manage that ridiculously insane number,that woman was insane to say such unrealistic things in the first place.'Yohan frowned thinking about that mysterious woman's insane request.
    Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]
    Fantasi · SHIVAM_Chouksey