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Absolute Cinema
I disagree, I think my review while harsh is still reasonable, of course, you could think differently since it's subjective And I would change my review as I read more chapters
You know, I like Spiderman 1 and 2 but if I were to rate it, I'd give it 7.5/10 I could like something even if it's not 10/10, and I like the novel because I love the genre and I think it could be better
And btw maybe I should've mentioned this in my review, but the reason I made the review is because I like the novel, I think it has great potential and I wish you the best. If I don't like it I wouldn't even bother making a review And I think I got ahead of myself by suggesting stuff that I like up there so my apologies
As for the dialogues, for some reason, I couldn't copy the dialogue to give you an example, but after reading my review the word "positive" might not fit with my opinion (should've checked twice my bad) I think the "Cheerful" might fit more perfectly, It would not be a bad thing if few people spoke that way but when the majority spoke similarly it's just strange
I assumed she would be the romantic interest since in a couple of scenes the MC is blushing and finds her to be attractive, in one of the scenes she was blushing when thinking of him so... I assume they would be a couple?
I don't think it's 3200 words, the number on the bottom right corner says 3200 when I wrote the review
Did you perhaps mistakenly put 'Intelligence' on the same type as 'Will'?, Haki strength depends on willpower no? Not intelegent
I felt like reading 1/4 of an average chapter lol, how many words was this, 500?
they don't use the word 'time traveller' it's probably a mistranslation of the word 'traverser' or 'transmigrator' and judging from the messy character perspective, this novel is probably a translation, although I don't know why the author didn't provide any links to the originals or the mtl