

2019-07-03 BergabungUnited States





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  • RoseBud
    Balas Move_on_and_live

    I'm glad me nerding out over my favorite novel helped you out lol

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud

    ". . ."

    Mrs. Feng added with a smile, "I heard from Lin Lin that you two are close. You sound like the kind of friends that hit it off right from the start. I would also like to see what kind of person can make you click immediately. After all, you've never become friends so quickly with anyone, especially after growing up."
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud
    Balas ituzzip

    Yup, since America has a bunch of different races, it's easier to differentiate this way. There's Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc. It stemmed from second generation kids who grew up in American and considered it their home. Since they grew up in America, it's their home, but they also don't want to forget their original country. Or at least that's how it is for me. There's also people who were born in other countries, but they consider American more their home than their original country. It started with African-Americans though. Everyone knows about how when America was created, there was Pro-slavery people, and abolitionists, right? Well once slavery had been abolished after the Civil War, a few generations had passed. The former slaves (freedmen) only knew what life was like in America, so many of them decided to stay. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the only time I'll probably ever use the things I learned in US History.

    There weren't only Chinese people there. There were also Caucasians and African Americans.
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud

    Now that I think about it, letting your little brother talk to a stranger you've never even met is a little careless, don't you think?

    He wasn't even clear of who the other party was, yet he still dared to be so close to him.
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud

    Why a 2B pencil? Is it more common in China? Where I'm from, normal writing is almost always dome with an HB pencil. The lead type really only becomes relevant once you start sketching.

    When she picked up a 2B pencil and completed the monthly examination paper, Zhao Jianjian was shocked once again!
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud
    Balas RoseBud

    or neither??????

    However, he suddenly saw the youth stand up just like the young master of an aristocratic family. He took the document and smiled slightly before speaking in a low voice. "A battle team managed by you is not worth returning to. In order to make way for your darling nephew, you even fabricated rumors that I'm gay, Manager Wang. We're all in the same industry. We will certainly meet again someday."
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud

    ... So was her brother gay or bi?

    However, he suddenly saw the youth stand up just like the young master of an aristocratic family. He took the document and smiled slightly before speaking in a low voice. "A battle team managed by you is not worth returning to. In order to make way for your darling nephew, you even fabricated rumors that I'm gay, Manager Wang. We're all in the same industry. We will certainly meet again someday."
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud

    ... Are you sure? Both of those option sound pretty bad, maybe you should run.

    Class 5 yellow-haired: "Brothers, y'all here? Anyone here? We're in trouble! Brother Nan's brain must be fried today. He strode to the gates of No.1 Middle School and is now standing there. Everyone looks like they want to beat him to death. Should I run, or should I run?"
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud
    Balas FragrantMoonTree

    Yup. The person talking isn't even the one getting confessed to, he has no place complaining or insulting him. If it really bothers his friend, that's his job to make it clear, not his friend's.

    Meanwhile, the other assistant was already mad with anger. "Who does this gay man think he is? He was so eager to cling onto young master previously…"
    The eSports King’s Crush
    perkotaan · Zhan Qishao
  • RoseBud

    Happy one year anniversary!! I'm not sure if it's really the one year mark since the first chapter has been edited so I went with the next best thing (the authors review note)!! I felt that I should congratulate you since it's such a big milestone (so forgive me if it's a few days off from the actual date hehe... ) Just wanted to drop some words of congratulations and encouragement!! Hopefully your day's been going well, it's a day of celebration after all! I'll be holding my own mini celebration and baking cinnamon rolls. This note has been getting kinda long so I'll end it now, but congratulations once again!

    Ch 113 PROLOGUE: Something New
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud

    W-wouldn't not being in a club HELP him get the top spot????

    "I only know that because somehow you still manage to beat me to the top spot when you're not even in a club!"
    Trust and Believe in Love
    perkotaan · CailinMatthews
  • RoseBud

    Elle throwing SHADE

    I wanted to tell him that "I would probably think the same if I was born a boy like you were," but I only kept silent. There were things better off left unsaid, no matter how much it desperately wanted to be let out. Staring at the two boys beside me, I vowed that I would tell them the truth, but that moment was still a long way away, and I very much like the way they treat me now. I would only despair when their gazes would change once they know who I really was, and what I really was.
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud

    This was amazing!!! I hadn't noticed that you posted a side story and only realized when I went to check how long ago the first chapter was posted. And don't worry about the chapters, I'm just glad that we got a notice about what's causing the delay. It's perfectly reasonable to take time off for school assignments and to morn the death of a loved one. I just hope you're doing alright, I know a lot of people whose lives have changed drastically because of the virus. You take some time to sort through your life, and us readers will be patiently waiting for your return. Stay safe and healthy!!

    Ch -1 A Meeting to Remember: A Side Story
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud

    One of the few books on this site that I can honestly say is an original take on the hidden identity trope. The protagonist is smart, but it's believable. I can't even TELL you how many protagonists I've read about being described as "smart", but very few actually show me WHY they are smart instead of relying on plot armor. The writing feels fresh and clean, without all the walking in circles (ex. the protagonist meets enemy/rival, they look down on the protagonist, the protagonist slaps them in the face, rinse and repeat for 300+ chapters). I found myself trying to predict what our protagonist would do next, and how she would overcome her problems, instead of being able to predict their every next move. Would defiantly recommend to on-the-fence readers, I'm off to my second read through now ^_^

    Flowers Bloom from Battlefield
    Sejarah · Sorahana
  • RoseBud
    Balas Hua_Li_An

    ... not dead... dang it. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, not theorizing. Why is this so hard (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I'm late but good luck on your quiz!! You'll do great!

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud
    Balas RoseBud

    My first thought was the King, Ele's dad. In the beginning, we're shown that he is a bad man, who looks down on women and lets his daughter suffer and die. But then we see Ele's 2nd oldest brother defining him. But none of it matches up, past the fact that both the man and Ele's father are married. So it's not the professor or the king, so who is it? Answer: Probably just a new character. Yes, you and I have both just wasted our time over-analyzing everything. Congratulations. I need to go do something actually productive with my life now. (Ignore all the spelling mistakes in the first comment, I was typing on a mobile device and probably messed up a ton lol, grammar police please don't throw me in jail)

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud
    Balas RoseBud

    Then we got the next big thing we know about the man, he's married. And from the chapter, we can tell that his wife means a lot to him, as she always accepts her. But the feeling I get from him isn't one of unconditional love and affection. More like an obsession, like she's keeping him grounded. He likes the fact that she cares for him. The next piece of information that might be important, the man likes to gamble in the slums. This might be because he lives here, or maybe it's a preference? He wears shabby clothing but it's stated that he doesn't blend in there. Possibly hinting at a noble background. But that makes me question, so why would he gamble in the slums? I would assume the money bet there isn't as much as if he went to a gambling house in an upper-class district and it's riskier to gamble there than at said gambling house. Maybe to save face? Or is there someone he wants to avoid at the gambling house? Maybe someone he used to know goes there but had a falling out? Or- wait no. sorry I was going off-topic. I've gone way too into detail on the man, and that's just for listing out what we know/can infer about him. So I think it's time to move on.

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud
    Balas RoseBud

    Next bit of information, he loves to gamble. According to Mayo Clinic, "Exactly what causes someone to gamble compulsively isn't well-understood. Like many problems, compulsive gambling may result from a combination of biological, genetic and environmental factors." So we don't have any hints as to why, but we Mato Clinic also lists some risk factors, which can tell us more about the man. One which I find most interesting, Certain personality characteristics. - Highly competitive - A workaholic - Impulsive - Restless - Easily bored All of these things can increase your risk of compulsive gambling. I'll keep a note on these for later. Another risk factor mentioned is mental health disorders, which tie into our previous argument for why the man most likely has mental health issues.

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud
    Balas RoseBud

    So, the first thing we can knock off this list is #5. We don't know anything about his family drinking history and even if we did, it's probably not relevant to the plot. Next, it's safe to remove #2 as well. Drinking at an early age again, we don't know anything about it, and even if we did, it's irrelevant to our purpose (ie. trying to find the identity of the drunk man.) Number 4 I'm just going to remove as well because if he did take alcohol with medicine, it probably won't matter because he's dead. That leaves just 2 possibilities 1. Stressful environments 3. Mental health problems like depression I'm inclined to think that it is a mixture of both. The stressful environment might be caused by the man's job or ranking. As he stated that his wife had been disappointed, but not angry. So that takes off major marital problems (has to be some minor ones but not big enough to matter to the man in his drunken state.) Every night he's out gambling and drinking, a common use as an escape from reality. I believe his mental state also wouldn't be the most stable. But that was kind of a given at this point.

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An
  • RoseBud

    Volume 4. Volume 4! VOLUME 4!!!!! I’m so excited!!!! The mysterious mission is going to be uncovered by Detective Ele 💡🔍🕵🏽‍♀️ Ok, now time for a mini update to my theory log This chapter felt weird to me. At the end of every volume, we get an epilogue but until now, it’s been extra snippets or a transition into the next volume (ie. Hestia’s letter or Ele’s first time seeing the floating isle) But now out of the blue we get this chapter of a married (this might be inportant) unamed drunk gambler, who was mugged and killed in the slums. At first, I thought that because all the other epilogues have had something tied into the currant plot line, the drunk man might be the professor. Especially with them both being married. But this theory starts to fall apart when we find that the man had a rocky relationship with his wife. You could argue that Nurse Melinda and Professor Whitaker might have a rocky relationship that hasn’t been revealed yet, but we have no evidence to back that claim up, plus we’re only ever seen them be loving towards eachother in the book. Plus the whole, high ranking noble love affair thing. Then the man dies and we know for sure that it couldn’t be the proffessor, as his character will be playing a more active role in the plot in the coming volume. But that brings the question, “So who is the drunk man?” Looking over the characters we know now, he doesn’t appear to fit with any of them. So let’s take a step back, what do we know about the man? He feels uncomfortable while sober. This suggests that his life isn’t going too great. What are common reasons someone would abuse alcohol? According to Talbott Recovory, they are; 1. Stressful enviornments 2. Drinking at am early age 3. Mental health problems like depression 4. Taking alchol with medicine 5. Family history Another source, Sana Lake Recovory includes reasons such as peer presure and trauma as causes for alcoholism but those don’t seem to fit for the man (as peer pressure mostly applys to children and we don’t know enough about the man to chalk it up to trauma)

    Ch 112 EPILOGUE: Somewhere far away
    The Crown Prince Thinks I'm a Guy
    Fantasi · Hua_Li_An