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Hiya, Snolly! Neat fic so far, and I've been throwing my p.stones your way, but if I could maybe ask the teeny tiny favor of you not spoiling your own fic in your author's notes, that would be awesome! So many times I've been thinking, "Ooo it'd be neat if this happens!!", annnnnd then you just plain jane say it in your AN and I'm just 🧍♀️👁️👄👁️??? Even just marking your lil quips as *spoiler* if you wanna keep doing it would be groovy. Feel free to ignore this obviously since it's your story and all, tho!
A Harry Potter fanfic that takes a VERY different path. I like how you combined the two to create your own Dark Harry. Not a maniacal villain, but also not a self sacrificing hero. More like a, "What if Harry Potter was a secret sociopath?" kinda fic, hehe. Definitely recommend to any looking to read about Voldemort getting to do what he wanted all along while not be batsh*t insane about it! The translation(?) leaves much to be desired, but it was still very easy to understand what the author was trying to get across when faced with the mistakes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ P.S. Lorry is best boy!
This was a very fun read! Lots of little surprises and genuinely funny moments! Looking forward to your next work! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
How do you figure? The author pretty much set it up during the story for there to be no reason to continue past that point. The Horcruxes were all gone, he had all the Hallows, he had already removed his only thorns in Snape/Dumbles, and then took out his last fragment. He even worked out the safest way of immortality all clean cut at the end. Like, what else would there be? 😂 Some readers will never be satisfied, I swear, lol.
Bruh made a frickin Goku entrance, lololol
While your Luna is pretty much nothing like book Luna, she definitely has her own charm and tends to give me the most unexpected laughs! 😅 Poor dude didn't stand a chance!
Again, I know I shouldn't be rooting so hard against him but 👏👏👏 for the Dumbles scene! 😅
At first I thought she was way too lucid to come across as a believable Bellatrix, but then again she was most likely way different around him than her enemies/other Deatheaters, so why not! Heh :]
👏👏👏 I really appreciate how you keep taking this is new/different directions!
Waaaaaait a tic! Someone was standing next to him in the mirror, hmmmm? Hmmmmm? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧