Just a random lector alone who want to write, but he doesn't have motivation if you want you can watch my fanfic but I warn I am a big novice (if you read my fanfic put your impressions)
Membaca buku-buku
"Oups i did it again" bro juste learn Selfcontrol douche.....well we like you but still you made it durty bro..... such à shame
Well if red don't make anything happened to krum........
Red acting thoughfull....... its a news thing, "back in my days" we would have done it without any hésitations. But great at least he didn't make an lily 2.0 so the goodness of elise is very usefull for him being a """""décent humain""""
oh so kizaru was an idealist..... i wonder what happened to "break" his will to "fight"
it didn't heal it is like a plaster on a stab wound OK it work but for how much time
The next chapter "Daddy?"
Oulalalala bone is the only one who i think are going to be mad but only because he lied (and because is not the good guy)
I wonder if he will start to have real remorse because of this addition of alignment because we are not going to lie to each other red is a fu**ing sociopath he has "regrets" but sincere regrets could be a news for him.