I like the 'fight' between science and magic
Membaca buku-buku
Thank you for your kind words. As for your question, I do not know as of yet. Right now, I am building up the story until I reveal the first romantic interest. From thereon, I'll see whether I will include more FMCs.
If you stumble across this novel, just like I did, I can only tell you to give the story a shot. The novel starts off with quite the dark settings and you can feel the dread and despair just by reading the chapters. WIth all that said, let's get into the meat of this review. CHARACTERS: In the first 20 chapters the character number is low and they are mostly side-kicks. As for the MC he is roughly fleshed out. You can get a basic idea of what and how he is, bit there is a lot of room to evolve in the future. WORLDBUILDING: We don't know much about this world, but it is some kind of blend between our world and a fantasy world (Note: this is the starting world) As for the pace of the strory, it starts off pretty slowly, but ramps up after chapter 17ish. All in all, a good novel if you want to follow a MC that isn't just an ice-cold, arrogant young Master that is perfect in every little thing.
I'll eagerly follow the story until then. Can't wait to see the world you have in mind :) On another note, please don't feel discouraged if it seems like the story doesn't get any traction. The few of us that are here will follow through with the story.
This is pretty good, ngl. The pace is nice, though a bit slow for my taste, and the writing is varied and rich. Keep up the good work.
Hey Vsauce, Michael here.
the author didn't delete yours, though
it's possible, through the canales that connect the ears with the back of the throat
was some guy on pinterest. in the original art, the guy had pants,I just cropped it to fit
Stay safe man. It's better to be healthy than to follow a stupid schedule if it's impacting your well being.
the author reads all coments on his works, this is why I posted this. I'm too lazy to tell him this on his server