


I like to read.

2019-04-19 BergabungUnited States



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  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator9 months ago
    Balas Isekailogy

    This dude stole the story from someone else. https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/25781506-harry-potter-and-the-gift-of-memories-harry-potter-fan-fiction

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator9 months ago
    Balas Otaku_senpai01

    It's also stolen: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/25781506-harry-potter-and-the-gift-of-memories-harry-potter-fan-fiction

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago
    Balas Re_shin

    It's a harem romance with a strong focus on character development. So far, there are at least 3 women he's with, and he slept with one of them in the most recent chapter.

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago
    Balas Avid_Cultivator

    I also want to point out that they might not have interfered because doing so could have hurt Wu Yong. That pill was clearly dangerous. Had they done something, Wu Yong could have been injured even further. He might be the one at fault, but he is still just a child, and he is also Wu Jian's half-brother, making him Wu Youshi's son. What if he tried to stop Wu Yong and it resulted in injuring his eldest son?

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago
    Balas XxErnestoxX

    I'm going off the assumption that you haven't read further than this. I can think of at least two big reasons they didn't get to him in time. 1. The Head Elder of the Wu Clan interfered with their attempts. We learn later on that he was attempting to usurp the position of Clan Head from Wu Jian's father. I can see him stopping them from interfering. He doesn't even need to fight them. This is a world based on China, where prestige and power mean more than life. All he'd need to do is mention how interfering in a fight would undermine Wu Youshi's position as clan head. 2. Wu Jian's father purposefully didn't interfere because he wanted Wu Jian to solve the issue on his own and was confident that he could. We already know that Wu Jian's dad was not interferring when Wu Jian was getting bullied because he wanted his son to toughen up. I can see this happening here. I'm sure Wu Youshi would save him if the situation became too dire, but he might not have thought it was life-threatening. The author has also stated in previous chapters that sequelae can prevent cultivators from moving further in their cultivation. Being rescued by his father may have made Wu Jian form a mental sequelae that blocked his ability to progress, whereas overcoming the situation on his own could boost his confidence and make progressing easier once he came of age. These are my two thoughts regarding the subject.

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago
    Balas XxErnestoxX

    You make a lot of assumptions here. You assume they didn't try to save him but had someone intefere. We only see what Wu Jian sees, meaning any number of things could have happened that we don't know about. I know you're probably used to really horrible writing where the author jumps from the perspective of one person to another with little reason, but this author actually follows professional writing conventions. Perhaps you could try to think about "why" his parents were unable to save him rather than complain about it? You might be surprised by the number of potential reasons they couldn't help him.

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago

    It's really sad that all but the first dozen or so chapters are hidden behind a paywall. This series really is a hidden gem. I've read all the current chapters and can't get enough. The story is very slow but well-written, with lots of lore, world-building, and character development. I really like Wu Meiying right now. She's my favorite. She's so kind but also devious and seems to be much more than she appears. I have an idea of what she is, but I'm waiting until I read more to see if my theory is actually true.

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago

    1 star for the author dropping this story and making me waste my time.

  • Avid_Cultivator
    Avid_Cultivator2 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Luxury car