Yo, i’m a college student who stays up at night thinking about story ideas. All of my stories are currently in progress, though some make take some time to update, none are discontinued.
Membaca buku-buku
It’s more of an implication because of his past ( which has yet to be revealed but hints have been dropped), so he often refuses to believe that he IS gay.
Oh no, i’m alright! Thank you for worrying about me :)
Oh no, it isn’t! Updates will usually happen within two weeks each time a new chapter is uploaded, so i’ll try to get a chapter out next week.
tbh, it’s more pyschological than anything but next chapter should be where it gets off. Won’t spoil how yet though
Thank you!! I don’t have any plans to stop my current update schedule.
Thank you!! Yeah, I know right now it seems a bit weird with how he accepted his current parents fairly quickly but it’ll make more sense in the next few chapters~
Don’t worry, it’ll get better..eventually!
Canon is most likely happening by chapter 5 or 6! But thank you!!
Hello~ I’m glad people are actually reading what I wrote and I thank anyone who adds this to their collection. This is my first original written work so i’m sure I have much to learn but I hope whoever reads this enjoys it anyways. When thinking about writing a story with transmigration/reincarnation elements, I wanted it to seem somewhat realistic as I find it hard to believe the mc just doesn’t feel sadness from being ripped away from everything they’d ever known. I’m sure as I get better with writing, i’ll go back and edit the chapters so they flow better. Thanks again(*´∀`*)