Membaca buku-buku
It a headache reading these , it's very irritating and first time in game elements that healer and magician are trash and everybody here are arrogant and talk about mc are trash just a lucky boy and keep talking about stats keep rising ?? Where is stats ?? It never mentioned
Boring and mc is idiot someone try to kill him in his team but still stay and act like nothing happened and in title where is the evolution of beast and the problem too is his beast grow too fast without resources but no one cares
i got a headache just reading these shit , I'm around 48 chapter but from start till now . All are just problem and trouble he needed to fix , im tired of these shit no interesting happening just problem and there's a lot problem in story about what year is it or what technology level it has ... These is just headache
Mc is not stupid only naive for 18 yrs old and why well because he's a farmer and not a from a city . The mc 1st human kill , wow for such reaction and mc his soul about to crumble for what his done, when he has a mindset of playing games . I watch a lot news all over the world below 12 to 15 killing people with no remorse but for mc such reaction. fucking stupid . mc was not saint for such reaction by playing game when his modern people