The Chronicles of the Stick Emperor
This is the story of Tang Yao, and how he rode to fame in the famous game called Reverie.
Tang Yao is a high school student, that is a bit out of the ordinary. He is an expert at martial arts, and an extremely intelligent child. However, he moved to America when was 8 years old, due to his grandpa dying after falling down the stairs. His parents moved to America because, they wanted Tang Yao to give up martial arts and to stop practicing them. Which led to enmity between them, the only people that Tang Yao cares about is his slightly obese friend Alexander, and his dear sister Jie Yao. Tang Yao lives, a leisure life without having to worry much about food, or money. However all of that will change, after both his parents experience a fatal car crash...
[Watch out for spelling, or grammar mistakes. Apologies in advance =) Please Enjoy!]
This is also more of a comedic novel, so if you don't like that. Well... that kinda sucks, but its your loss.
***Quick Note, there will probably be a lot of profanity used.***
Also PS this story is about an insanely op charcter, if you dont like that then this story is not for you. Like really OP
Ichijero · Permainan