I am immortal
Membaca buku-buku
Hahaha I love the ending, looking forward to how he will use a bow and arrow with 1 arm
some original chara ters indeed cant wait to find out how they will do in an actual fight (especially the blind guy 🤣)
thanks for the chapter 😄
the most destructive power... I cant help but see a cute little panda just lazing off. I like how its coming along tho keep up the great work 😁
hha it just keeps going. 🤣
hha the imaginary finger and imaginary arm, I love it
hha "btw, what are sandals" never ecpected to read that in a novel 🤣
"let's go BlackPack "... would be a fitting nickname for basically a black hole storage system
"or if the panda did" would read a bit more fluent I think. (hopefully the panda grows into a huuuge beast the more his core grows up to the point where hes stupidly big would be a funny visual)
really like the concept and its a fluent read so far. The title of the book could be changed to the first 3 senteces of the synopsis tho: Immortality? Whats that? Can u eat it?. But thats IMO of course. Other than that this novel could go any direction and im looking forward to the character development and the way things shall turn out!