Membaca buku-buku
Do people not realize what a timeskip is?
Plus the different colored slimes.
No harem
Honestly It's just a simple power fantasy but at the same time I kinda missed reading these cause all this site has is just pure trash now a days it also helps that the writing quality isn't that bad and the author actually expalins shit.
Bro I didn't even notice the author was doing that. That's literally not important.
She said it
Am I the only person who thinks of reputation as his reputation as a ninja/medic? Not they dont like him anymore or something but like ok this is above him so his reputation in his field of work is gonna be going down and people wont trust him with higher tier work for a bit. Atleast thats how I see it.
Perfect cell and NOT SUPER perfect cell. basically cell at the start of the tournament and not when goku died.