

2019-01-28 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku

  • eforos
    eforos8 months ago

    I can't really trust this author. He writes very well, but he tends to abandon his novels or rush them just because the hype has passed. So make sure to start liking the novel and he ruining

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago
    Balas Avan

    did you abandoned the book, i was liking so much

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago

    wow, i was binging reading the past 2 days, gotta say that the world building at start and the mystery was very interisting but it crashed in less than 30 chaps, the MC simply starts convincing people to joining him without any convincing, he just says come and people came... I don't see the MC being charismatic, and he gives no reason to... 1 time or 2 ok, but the way he convinced the grandmaster and was sure she was gonna obey was too forced, the number of 2D characters in this war arc was too much, all the kings and people in power are generic and simple forced to act simply to force a developtment, without convincing the reader... i guess the sin of the author was not to put a convincing insite of the characters thinking to make plauseble there actions... after this grandmaster being called vivi out of nowhere and became a obedient little puppy i just dropped... which is a shame since i liked the worldbuilding...

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago

    Nice world building, good characters, the thing i dont personally like is the MC fetish on tsunderes, i'm on the 105 and the only they are annoying, and know he even turns into a simp... not counting the FMCs its a good story... hope it gets better and we dont get most of the interactions being him bickering with the FMCs

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago
    Balas pujimaki

    Is this really a harem? or only the annoying tsundere couple? really like the plot tho

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago

    One of the best fighting scene's author i've read, but it only has fights, very slowstory development, the adult version of the MC don't develop in the story, and when we finaly think we will understand the mystery the MC revert back to a child, is getting old, i'm in the 162 and almost dropping even tho i like the fights, but too much is too much

  • eforos
    eforos3 years ago

    i just hope the author is not rushing the novel to finish fast like his other novel, that finished with a lot of roles, and things not explored

  • eforos
    eforos4 years ago

    good world setting, only the characters and story are a little to simple, and lots of cliche... btw "sou mais o gruntar narrando" e "so mesmo em ficção pro toboco fazer comentario inteligente"