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from the latest chapters till the end
this is Mtl so be warned
mc how did you get here so fast!? and yes
Shit it's just school stuff, no need to involve the 'Minister' lol. I think it must be leader or Manager.
I can understand it. It's same as not wanting to accept Un-sealed deliveries (just an example). You have no idea what history your partner has had and history is a very good referance point for most peoples future actions. And besides nowadays you can't trust what a quarter of the population says and media is glorifying such disgusting actions. It's all just downhill man...
Name bro?
Name bro?
cause likely the family is getting rekt like in cannon
You're right, it's still carried out either among uneducated or rural people and even by some "educated" ones. But it's still hidden ir subtle, people atleast know it's wrong and try to do it like thieves; something out ancestors did with a badge of honor. In the end we're just smarter apes, you can't expect too much.